Julian Abagond Human zoos (1500s- ), also known as ethnological exhibits, peoples shows (Völkerschau) or Negro villages, showed native peoples at zoos and fairs. They have been common in the West since the time of Columbus, butreached their height from the 1870s to the 1930s – back in the days of Joseph Conrad, Gauguin, minstrel shows and…
Month: July 2012
Words have consequences: Deciphering code words of hate in Finland
…hate groups have used conflicts over immigration to advance their White Supremacy, their…
Racist graffiti appears (again) in an eastern Finnish city
It was only in 2010 when Kansainvälinen Mikkeli (International Mikkeli) brought to the city’s attention racist graffiti. To the association’s surprise, the graffiti had been on the walls of the Kattilansilta School and an underpass for over six months. Nobody, never mind the city, appeared to care too much about them. While this type of…
PBS documentary: U.S. Border Patrol, an example we should avoid
When I grew up in Southern California, the object of racist insults weren’t only blacks but especially Mexicans. Even if there were no Mexicans never mind blacks at our elementary school in Hollywood, some students – if not all – had very strong prejudices against them. An investigative documentary by PBS shows that not only…
Migrant Tales Literary: A warning: Finland
By Dana ??? ??? ????? ??? ????? ???? ???? ?? ?? ????? Anger is the food of sick men wiser men don’t feed off such feelings ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ????? If u stab a good human’s spirit ur spirit will end up being…
Sandhu Bhamra: If you are not White, you are not-Canadian-enough
By Sandhu Bhamra* Are you Canadian? I am not talking legality on right to vote and accessing free healthcare, but the sense of being, being Canadian. Let me walk you through a mini questionnaire to help you understand where I am going with this: When you think of Canadian identity, what do you think of?…
Sandhu Bhamra: “Who do you think you are?”
Sandhu Bhamra* That was the title under which three young Canadian authors discussed issues of identity, location and language at the recently concluded Indian Summer Festival in Vancouver. The three, Anosh Irani, David Chariandy and Gurjinder Basran – from different backgrounds discussed how heritage, culture, memories and language shaped their work. At the end of…
Suomi on väkivaltainen maa
Onko Suomi väkivaltainen maa? Vastaus riippuu siitä kuka olet: valkoinen suomalainen, mies, nainen, maahanmuuttaja, näkyvään vähemmistöön kuuluva tai vammainen. Ennen kuin perustelen väitteeni, haluan tehdä muutamia selvennyksiä Susanna Kinnusen blogiin. Olen ”pieni vihainen mies.” Uskon, että ne, jotka tuntevat minut henkilökohtaisesti olisivat aika paljon erimieltä. Harrastin paljon mm. koripalloa ja tunnetusti pelaajat ovat hyvinkin kookkaita…
James and Jussi out of control
As the municipal elections of October near, Perussuomalaiset (PS) MPs, James Hirvisaari and Jussi Halla-aho, are doing everything possible to bolster the sagging popularity of the right-wing populist party. It’s unclear, however, if they are attempting to stir up support for the Suomen Sisu wing of the party or for the PS. In their usual style,…
Sweden convicts Peter Mangs for Malmö immigrant murders
A Malmö District Court convicted Peter Mangs, 40, of two counts of murder and four attempted murders, according to the Guardian. The man, who is a Swede of Finnish descent, killed his first victim in 2003 and terrorized Malmö during 2009-10. All of his victims were immigrants. Mangs will undergo psychiatric evaluation before his sentencing…