After tightening family reunification laws last year, Center Party parliamentary group leader MP Antti Kaikkonen believes that the government has gone too far in tightening immigration policy, according to Lahti-based daily Etelä-Suomen Sanomat. The Center Party believes that the 2,600-euro/month salary requirement to bring your spouse and two children should be changed.
Month: September 2017
Defining white Finnish privilege #37: The master of near-everything
What do independent government agencies like the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman, Ombudsman for Equality, Occupational Safety and Health Administration and National Discrimination and Equality Tribunal have in common? All of them protect and defend the rights of women and minorities in Finland.
Facebook Boodi Kabbani: The Finnish police don’t protect migrants
QUOTE OF THE DAY: Unspeakable politicians and their own gain
White Finns rarely consult migrants and minorities on anything important. They may ask them their opinion on x and y but the final decision on policy is made by them because you don’t really count. And then there are people like Jussi Halla-aho, Laura Huhtasaari, Timo Soini, Wille Rydman, and many others who pour gasoline…
Hallittua pelottelua hallitsemattomalla maahanmuutolla
Monen mielestä hallitsematon maahanmuutto alkoi vietnamilaisten venepakolaisten saapuessa 1970 luvun lopussa. Vielä enemmän säikähdettiin, kun ensimmäiset somalipakolaiset tulivat v. 1990. Hallitsematon maahanmuutto lisääntyi nopeasti 2000-luvulla. Päivittäiseksi ongelmaksi asia nousi Jussi Halla-ahon myötä n. vuodesta 2006 lähtien. Vuonna 2008 hallitsematon maahanmuutto oli jo täysin sekoittanut Helsingin asuntomarkkinat. Jytkyvaalit 2011 olivat jo mennä täysin persujen piikkiin. Lupaavat…
QUOTE OF THE DAY: Lack of empathy
The lack of empathy by politicians and the government for the suffering of vulnerable groups like asylum seekers came to light again when two refugees stabbed themselves in protest of Finland’s asylum policy. Lack of empathy is the first step or reminder that our society is dysfunctional and in trouble. War now seems a possibility. “Old”…
Twitter (Reija Härkönen): MTV ja Halla-ahon osat 1-7
MTVn toimituspäällikkö Ilkka Ahtiainen väittää: “Vakaumuksemme on, että kirjoitukset ovat osaltaan edistäneet tosiasioihin pohjaavaa ja moniarvoista yhteiskunnallista keskustelua. Parhaassa tapauksessa tämä hillitsee vastakkainasettelua, johon netin maailmassa on niin kovin helppo sortua.”
Double standards by the Finnish police. Who can insult whom?
These two videos speak volumes about the differential treatment of asylum seekers and white Finns by the police. In the first video, two Finnish-speaking asylum seekers are handcuffed at the immigration detention center of Joutseno. One of them apparently for saying something inappropriate.
Facebook Mohammad Javid: Germany in the 1930s, Finland today
Nazi Germany during the 1930s, Finland today. Thank you, Mohammad Javid for the heads-up! Some anti-immigration activists tell asylum seekers to leave the country. Sounds familiar?
QUOTE OF THE DAY: Rejoice 100 years of Finland’s treatment of migrants and minorities
Should we boycott Finland’s centenary celebrations? One hundred years of building a white Finnish-speaking Lutheran society has not only whitewashed my roots and who my family was but on top of that continues to exclude me from being treated as an equal member of society. Do you have the courage to not only see but change how…