Marshall Niles, who is an associate editor of Migrant Tales, did what any sensible person would do when confronted with a heavy load of racism and Islamophobia: Find a way to challenge it. And that’s what he did. Perussuomalaiset (PS)* Helsinki substitute councilman for the city of Helsinki, Olli Sademies, got taken down from Facebook thanks to Niles’ leadership.
Month: June 2015
Reija Härkönen: Suomen pojat, muistakaa!
Suomen isät ja äidit, koittakaa nyt pitää tarkka huoli murrosikäisistä pojistanne ja heidän kasvustaan miehiksi. Kansanedustajien nettikeskusteluista päätellen toilailut tyttöjen kanssa, tyttöjen joukkohäirintä ja seksuaalinen ahdistelu eivät tästedes kenties johda pelkästään ehdottomaan vankeusrangaistukseen, vaan myös maastakarkoitukseen tai kansantuomioistuimen teloitukseen.
Is the Danish People’s Party advising the PS on how to become the biggest party in Finland?
Perussuomalaiset (PS)* Helsinki substitute councilman, Olli Sademies, is creating Islamophobic waves again. Right, he’s the substitute councilman who suggested in the end of May that Africans should be sterilized after having three children. Now he wrote on his Facebook wall a “business idea” to create a pig’s blood spray that would be used against Muslims.
What we should learn from the Tapanila sexual assault case
The Tapanila rape case is a good example of how the Finnish media permitted again its prejudices to get the better of itself. Those who committed the crime had everything against them: They were “Somalis,” or youths with “foreign backgrounds,” who committed “gang rape.” In today’s Finland, where xenophobia is thick in the air, those two words are sure to unlock your darkest prejudices.
Migrants need greater voting rights in Europe to challenge the far right and ultranationaistic menace
Bashy Quraishy made recently a very valid point on his Facebook wall: “Active political participation, voting in large numbers and support for the friendly politicians is Alpha and Omega for the protection of ethnic minority rights in Denmark.”
How can we deal with serious social issues like rape in a country like Finland that has issues with racism?
Veronica Honkasalo is a Helsinki city councilwoman for the Left Alliance tweeted the following below about the sentence that three suspects got in the northern Helsinki Tapanila rape case of March: “It’s clear that the sexual offense sentence [that the three suspects] got was too light. There aren’t any light rapes but keep it clear of racism.”
No disciplinary action to be taken against Helsinki substitute councilman who wants African men sterilized
Remember in May when Perussuomalaiset (PS)* substitute councilman called Olli Sademies commented that African men should be sterilized after having three children? While the decision by the police to not press ethnic agitation charges against Sademies was expected, it is the shameful attitude of the PS not to take any action against the substitute councilman that is the most worrying.
Koko Hubara: Sanaton
Clementa Pinckney, Tywanza Sanders, Cynthia Hurd, Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, Myra Thompson, Ethel Lance, Daniel Simmons, DePayne Middleton-Doctor ja Susie Jackson. NAACP. Suomen rodullistetut ihmiset ja väkivaltaa kokeneet naiset.
Finland to reduce refugee quota in 2016
In order to accommodate refugees under a European Commision (EC) plan to spread refugees throughout the community, Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) understands that Finland’s refugee quota will drop to 750 in 2016. The current quota was raised last year to 1,000 due to the humanitarian crisis in Syria.
YouGov: Of seven countries surveyed Finland ranked as the most intolerant with Denmark
Of the seven countries surveyed, Finland was ranked together with Denmark as the most intolerant country to black people, gays, and Jews, according to YouGov, an internet-based market research company. Other countries that were surveyed were France, Germany, Britain, Norway and Sweden.