Finland has been praised for its school program to teach children about fake news. Media literacy is important if we do not want to be led by the noses towards an autocratic state. Commonly, when reading the comments by Perussuomalaiset (PS)* MPs and other politicians, fact-checking is an exception and not the rule. Some of…
Month: July 2020
Trump and Huhtasaari: White supremacy in the US and Finland
If we look at US President Donald Trump’s makeup and that used by Perussuomalaiset* MEP Laura Huhtasaari, we can conclude that their personas are different shades of white supremacy. We all know about Trump’s white supremacist views and we know about Huhtasaari’s feelings on the matter. Her posts and hashtags (#proudtobeFinn and others) speak for…
Rasistit kiikkiin!
Perussuomalaiset ja kokoomuksen laitaväki ovat nyt yhdeksän vuotta käytännössä esteittä edistäneet muukalaisvihaa, koulukiusaamista ja ulkomaisten työntekijöiden riistoa. Kun suosio välillä hiipuu, paukut kovenevat ja lähes jokainen persu-ulostulo on ilkeän vihamielinen, fasistinen tai natsistinen. Olisiko aika tehdä jotain? Ei riitä se, että paljastetaan ja tyrmistellään persujen kamalia puheita. Niillä on oltava käytännön merkitys siihen, kuinka heihin…
Liliana Belatti’s humanity in times of war
“[Leon] Trotsky once said that if the anarchists did not exist they’d have to be invented because they have done a lot of good things for humanity with their incorruptible opposition. They demonstrated having a principal that they never abandoned.”. Osvaldo Bayer (1927-2018) As the late Argentinean historian points out, social movements like anarchism in…
Turtiainen suffers another blow to his business as the International Powerlifting Federation terminates cooperation
Ano, or Año Turtiainen, the former Perussuomalaiset MP who mocked George Floyd’s death at the hands of a Minneapolis policeman, boasts that he is “the best known Finnish powerlifter in the world.” CORRECTION: He is also known for being the most racist Finnish powerlifter in the world. After Elitefts and the Canadian Powerlifting Union terminated…
Perussuomalaiset: The shameful a**hole party of Finland
THIS STORY WAS UPDATED “What are you without racism? Are you any good? Are you still strong? Still smart? Do you still like yourself?” Toni Morrison (1931-2019) Perussuomalaiset (PS)* MP Mauri Peltokangas, a far-right politician and member of the Nazi-spirited Suomen Sisu association, labeled government ministers “a**holes” for not expressing concern about the attack against…
Adam Al-Sawad: Missä menee sivistysvaltion raja?
Nationalististen tahojen kerätessä suosiota Suomessa, kohtaa Suomen poliittinen kenttä yhä useammin skandaaleja perussuomalaisten poliitikkojen toimesta. Yhdessä skandaalissa kannatetaan “eliminointia” ja tuhopolttoja (Turtiainen, 2015) tai levitetään räikeästi väärää tietoa rasistisin tarkoitusperin (Purra, 2020), toisessa vitsaillaan murhattujen tummaihoisten kustannuksella (Turtiainen, 2020) tai väitetään vielä elossa olevien tekevän kouluista eläintarhoja (Halla-Aho, 2007). Puolueen sisältä paljastuu tasaisin väliajoin kytköksiä…
The Norwegian mass murderer, 22/7, and Jussi Halla-aho
Hateful and racist words can turn into bullets. THE STORY WAS UPDATED Two days and nine years had gone by when Norway and Europe witnessed the horrific events of 22/7 that left 77 people dead and many others with physical and psychological injuries for the rest of their lives. One of the matters that we…
22/7: A day that will live in infamy and one we must not forget
The far-right was riding the crest of the wave in 2011. In Finland, the radical right Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party had scored their historic parliamentary victory. But then three months later, Anders Breivik appeared from nowhere and went on to murder 77 people to save – according to him – Europe from being overrun by Muslims….
WTF: Jussi Halla-aho on Pekka Kataja and his blind spot and alternate reality
Perussuomalaiset (PS) chairperson Jussi Halla-aho is the Finnish version of Hungarian strongman Viktor Orbán. If he had his way, Finland would deport Muslims, deny asylum to people dependent on race, encourage dog-eat-dog economics, and scale down the welfare state. Halla-aho’s alternate reality and that of his party sometimes cause a knee-jerk reaction: WTF. We have…