Article 3 – border control measures must be without prejudice to the rights ofrefugees and other people requesting international protection, in particular asregards the principle of non-refoulement. European Convention on Human Rights Perussuomalaiset (PS)* Finnish Interior Minister Mari Rantnanen called herself Tuesday a “tough border lady” on A-studio. After opening two border checkpoints Thursday at…
Category: Enrique Tessieri & Yahya Rouissi
Ydin: Suomalaisista katujengeistä
Viimeisin kirjoitus Ydin-lehdessä (4/2023) vanhasta ja ajankohdasta aiheesta.
The Finnish youth gang “problem” is a monster concocted by the radical right
What drives the government, particularly Minister of the Interior Mari Rantanen of Perussuomalaiset (PS), to give utmost attention and tackle the issue of youth street gangs? Is it a sincere attempt tosolve such a social problem, or an opportunity to further victimize migrants and minorities in Finland? The assertion isn’t far-fetched. The PS is historically…
Yahya Rouissi: Is the government serious about racism?
“The government must unequivocally distance itself from racism,” emphasizes Anna-Maja Henriksson, Swedish People’s Party chairperson and minister of education. National Coalition Party Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, declares, “As a government, we maintain a policy of zero tolerance for racism.” Upon hearing the above-mentioned statements, one should not be surprised why some are in a state…