If there is a power-hungry politician who will do almost anything to gain power and lose it in an instant, that politician is Timo Soini. Apart from being a disingenuous politician who saw his populist creation inflate and implode, he is a sore loser as well. In an interview in Tampere-based daily Aamulehti, he claims…
Month: July 2017
Just call them the New Perussuomalaiset and Old Perussuomalaiset
As politicians like MP Simon Elo try to assure us of their questionable political credentials after he and nineteen others ditched the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party on June 13, the new party’s name, which has changed three times in less than two months, is nothing more than a snow job.
One of the things I dislike most about what politicians say about racism
When politicians claim that hard economic times explain why there’s a spike in racism, why people are racist, it is nothing more than an excuse to approve racist behavior. They approve such behavior because they don’t have any issues with their voters venting their hostility towards migrants and minorities.
Six years after 22/7: What can one person do?
Anders Breivik committed a horrendous act six years ago on July 22. While anti-immigration groups want us to forget what happened, we can never forget. Breivik is the smoking gun that proves that those that preach hatred have the potential to spread fear and death.
Finland’s culturally diverse community must point out and scorn our Uncle Toms
What does it say about our society when second-generation children of migrants join far-right groups that spew racism? We have a few of them in Finland like Gleb Simanov and the even more notorious types like Junes Lokka, Marco de Wit, and Miki Sileoni.
(Polina Kopylova) Tunnollinen kuski Gleb Simanov: uhri vai syötti?
Blogikirjoitus julkaistaan venäjäksi lähiaikoina / ??????? ????? ?? ??????? ???? ????? ??????????? ? ????????? ????? Viraaliksi mennyt sekä Adressi.comiin ja Iltalehteen asti edennyt venäläistaustaisen Nobinan bussikuski Gleb Simanovin tapaus nostattaa monenlaisia tunteita — ja syystä, tai pikemminkin monista syistä. Ensiksi, Simanov pyrkii esiintymään rehtinä miehenä joka puolustaa koko yhteiskunnan etua pummimatkustajien kieroudelta — tämä herättää myötätuntoa. Toiseksi,…
Finland’s far right cowardice and bravado. Why do they hide behind fake names and spread fake news?
Gleb Simanov, the fired bus driver who thought it was a good idea to post racist videos of his customers and published them on a far-right website managed by Paavo Tajukangas (a fake name), is a perfect example of cowardice and bravado.
The fired bus driver who seeks fame with his racist videos will end up forsaken, jobless
Racism is a sickness, and as a disorder, it has consequences for the victim and the perpetrator. We learned about a bus driver and Peurssuomalaiset (PS)* politician called Gleb Simonov, who thought up the “bright” idea to videotape and insult only Somalis in three videos that he posted.
The Helsinki bus driver that videotaped, insulted his customers was fired Thursday
Today we read about a bus driver of Russian origin and a candidate of the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party ethnically profile Somalis, insulted, videotaped and published on YouTube got sacked today. The bus driver was so sure of himself that he even gave the numbers of his company’s managers to complain.
A Helsinki bus driver who publishes video tapes of Somali clients he’s insulted
What would you say if a bus driver, who only video tapes Somalis, starts calling them liars and forces them off the bus even after one of them said she was ready to pay for the bus fare? Ethnic profiling? Racist? All of the above?