Perussuomalaiset (PS) MP Juho Eerola wrote in 2010 that he was attracted to Benito Mussolini’s fascism. He argues that it is a model that we could learn a lot from. Such a statement not only shows his fascist political credentials, but his ignorance of Finnish history. The Restricting Act of 1939 (law 219/1939), which was…
Month: September 2013
Abde Hussein shows there is more than one way to put racism on the defensive
There’s more than one way to put intolerance on the defensive. Abde Hussein wrote on Thursday an encounter he had with a young unemployed white Finn, who said in public that he was a “monkey” and “living off welfare.” A discussion ensued but to make a long story short, the young white Finn turned out…
Ana María Gutiérrez-Sorainen: Ihmisoikkeudet eivät ole neuvottelukysymys
Ana María Gutiérrez-Sorainen* Kansanedustaja Mikael Jugnerin avustaja Nasima Razmyar (SDP) lähetti julkisen kirjeen perussuomalaisten kansaedustaja Jussi Halla-aholle omassa Ilta-lehden blogissaan. Tämä on jo toinen kerta, kun Razmyar osoittaa huomionsa perussuomalaisille. Jokainen saa kirjoittaa kenelle hän tahtoo, yksityisesti tai/ja julkisesti. Koska tuo kirje on nyt julkinen, voimme me muut arvioida sitä vapaasti julkisestikin. Ensiksi Nasima Razmyar ikään…
Why doesn’t Timo Soini make a clear split with its PS racists? Answer: political hara-kiri
Columnist Yrjö Rautio of Apu magazine writes that if Perussuomalaiset (PS) chairman Timo Soini doesn’t make a clear split with PS MP racists like Jussi Halla-aho and his followers, the party should make official that it supports the following values: “paranoia, hatred and human evil.” Read full story (in Finnish) here. Rautio makes a valid point….
Saving one life, one refugee from Syria, IS important
Arguing that accepting a few hundred refugees from Syria is not important because it is a drop in the bucket, is an outrageous statement made by Jussi Halla-aho, Vesa-Matti Saarakkala and others. The other point they are trying to drive home, that these people will be a burden on Finland, exposes their loathing and ignorance….
PS MP Jussi Halla-aho put on the hot chair after his ridiculous arguments against Syrian refugees are exposed
Perussuomalaiset (PS) MP Jussi Halla-aho was put on the hot chair on A-Studio, when he was asked about his and PS MP Vesa-Matti Saarakkala’s written question to parliament opposing government plans to give asylum to 500 refugees from Syria. A good question to ask is why accepting 500 refugees from Syria is in the national spotlight? Sweden…
Migrant Tales Literary: Foreigner
By Musimenta Dansila you call me in your eyes a foreigner I am to mother earth are we not all? as a foreigner I stand declare mother earth to be mine as a foreigner you despise me you segregate me you scorn me but isn’t mother earth for all? as a foreigner I refuse to…
Äärioikeistolaista sananvapautta ja ihmisoikeuksia
Susannah Monet ovat nähneet kuvia Heteropridesta, Helsingissä 21.9. 2013 pidetyn mielenosoituksen. Se poiki jo perussuomalaistenkin leirissä kohun; Jani Viinikaisen erottamisen 22.9.2013 Kangasalan kunnanvaltuustosta, ja Viinikaisen oman eron perussuomalaisesta puolueesta. Syynä tähän oli kyseenalainen materiaali mielenosoituksen jäsenistössä ja Viinikaisesta otetut, facebookissa levitetyt kuvat tekemässä natsitervehdystä hitlernaamari päässään tapahtumasta palatessaan. Susannahin mielenkiintoa herätti myös tämän tapahtuman järjestäjä,…
Why did a Finnish court absolve two policemen of apparent racist conduct?
When reporting some stories, denials and what is not said are the spotlights that reveal the real story. A flat denial by the police that ethnic profiling doesn’t occur suggests that it is probably more widespread than we think. A court ruled on Monday that the actions of two Helsinki policemen, who used excessive physical…
Thai berry pickers shed light on a much wider problem in Finland for immigrants
The fifty Thai berry pickers, who are protesting against long hours, poor pay and huge risks they take when working for Ber-Ex, not only shed light on their plight but the poor job security that immigrants generally face in Finland. While berry pickers are seasonal workers that come from Thailand, their issues reveal a much serious…