Russian strongman Vladimir Putin’s plans of breathing new life into a second take of the Soviet empire by invading Ukraine have backfired and produced the opposite effect. Far-right parties like the Perussuomnalaiset (PS)* are collateral damage in Putin’s miscalculation. It’s been a wretched start for Putin: – Plans to carry out a rapid invasion and…
Month: February 2022
PS’ about-turn on Russia is reprehensible
In the backdrop of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, some politicians, especially from the far-right Perussuomalaiset (PS)*, have changed their tune. Don’t be fooled by them, and such moves are nothing more than an opportunistic move to prop up their sinking popularity. Their shift in opinions about the Russians is so reprehensible that it…
Exposing white Finnish privilege #82: Good “refugees” are white and Christian, “bad” ones are Muslims
In light of the Russian invasion and bloodshed in Ukraine, Finland has expressed its readiness to take in “tens of thousands” of “refugees” from that country, according to Yle. Remember last year, when Poland closed its border with Belarus over mostly Iraqis seeking asylum in the EU? Remember the calls to keep out such asylum…
Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin’s invasion “genius and savvy.” Why are the Perussuomalaiset hiding their faces in shame?
While the far-right Perussuomalaiset (PS)* are scrambling to prop up their dismal poll numbers, they are also changing their tune on Vladimir Putin and Russia. One of the best ways to understand the PS’ admiration of Putin and the tragedy in Ukraine is through former President Donald Trump. We can cite Jussi Halla-aho’s praise of…
Reija Härkönen: Pakolainen on päästettävä pannasta
Suomen rasistisella kansalla on suuria vaikeuksia sanojen kanssa. Yle vaihtoi jo kauan sitten termin ”pakolainen” termiin ”siirtolainen”. Tällä pyritään etäännyttämään kansalaisia ihmisten hädästä ja ajattelemaan, niin kuin korkein valtionjohto toivoo: heillä saattaa olla ”pahat mielessä” tai niin kuin tasavallan presidentti puheessaan valtiopäivien avajaisissa ilmaisi: ”Viime vuosina turvallisuusympäristössä on nähty uusia ilmiöitä, jotka antavat aihetta valmiutemme…
Helsinki court of appeal increases involuntary manslaughter sentence to nine years for stabbing Somali-Finnish youth
THIS STORY WAS UPDATED The Helsinki court of appeal* has increased Miro Pesonen’s involuntary manslaughter conviction to a nine-year prison term from five years previously and pay to the parents 10,000 euros for their suffering, according to Yle. Pesonen is a white Finn who stabbed Keyse Abdifatah Maalesh at Kannelmäki Helsinki railway station in April 2020. The mother…
Russian aggression against Ukraine threatens Finland and exposes hypocrisy
It finally happened. Russia launched a full-scale invasion of a sovereign country like Ukraine. Apart from former President Donald Trump, who admires Vladimir Putin like many of the far-right Republicans, in Europe, we have racists and populists who are rooting for Russian aggression openly and silently. Caught with their hypocrisy and political pants down, populist…
Reija Härkönen: Jussi Halla-aho viihtyy salarakkaansa helmoissa – onko se Suomen etu?
Vuonna 2019 ihmeteltiin, miksi perussuomalaiset ovat europarlamentissa liittoutumassa Venäjä-mielisten äärioikeistopuolueiden kanssa. Isänmaallisuus, joka persuilla on arkihokema, on Suomessa tavannut tarkoittaa melko nihkeää suhtautumista itäiseen naapuriin. Jopa perussuomalaisten veljespuolue Ruotsissa, Sverige Demokrater, piti persuvalintoja kummallisina. Aihetta käsittelevässä artikkelissaan Ilta-Sanomissa 16.5.2019 toimittaja Arja Paananen kuvasi perussuomalaisten ”joustavaa valmiutta hyväksyä Venäjän tapa selittää omaa toimintaansa – olivatpa nämä toimet länsimaisen…
Cultural diversity is still a challenge in the Finnish education system
An article in Yle News brings us back again to one of the biggest challenges for multilingual children at Finnish schools: How the Finnish education system treats cultural diversity. Language and cultural interpreter and early childhood educator Nadezda Kärmeniemi admitted that multilingual children are caught between differing attitudes at schools. She is saying that there…
Ykkösaamu interview highlighted Halla-aho’s contempt for Human Rights
Yle’s Ykkösamu talk show exposed to a tee what the parliament’s new foreign affairs committee chairperson thinks of Human Rights. The first question by the host forced Perussuomalaiset (PS)* Jussi Halla-aho, who was convicted in 2012 for ethnic agitation and breaching the sanctity of religion, to reinforce his contempt of Human Rights. The interview was…