Hate crimes* that were reported to the police in Finland during 2017 rose by 7.97% to 1,165 cases compared with 1,079 cases the previous year, according to the Finnish Police University College.
Month: November 2018
European Agency of Fundamental Rights: Finland has the most racial harassment cases against PAD of 12 EU countries surveyed
A new study by the European Agency of Fundamental Rights (FRA) reveals that a third of people of African descent (PAD) surveyed have experienced racial harassment in the last five years. That’s not all: Perceived racist harassment was highest in Finland (63%) and least prevalent in Malta 20% (see chart below).
Far-right vigilante group Soldiers of Odin provokes migrants in East Helsinki
Without anything better to do than to provoke visible migrants, some 30 members of the far-right Soldiers of Odin were seen at East Helsinki’s Puhos shopping mall on Monday, according to a video by Finnish Somalimedia Warsan.
Facebook Daniel Malpica: Bad treatment at Helsinki’s Milliklubi Bar & Disco
Migrant Tales insight: A reader sent us this Facebook posting he would like to report in our blog community. Daniel Malpica alleges that the bouncer at the Milliklubi Bar & Disco (Kaivokatu 12, 00100 Helsinki) acts violently towards him.
New York Times: Hillary Clinton should blame European racism, not migrants for the rise of populism
Hillary Clinton says that migration is the main reason for feeding European populism. Migrant Tales disagrees. Europe is such a racist region plagued by its colonial and post-colonial history that was and still has its hands drenched in genocide and exploitation. Don’t blame the migrants, Clinton. Blame European racism for the rise in populism. …
A Cameroonian national football player’s 18-day detention and nightmare in Finland
Bad luck and alleged ethnic profiling by the Finnish Border Guard at the Helsinki-Vantaa Airport led to the detention of Christian Heumi Kabon, a Cameroonian who plays for that country’s national team. He was sent to the Metsälä immigration removal center in Helsinki, where he was detained for 18 days, from October 30 to November 16.
Twitter (Julie Pascoet): Silence is not only a political statement but privilege that contributes to inequality
Read original tweet here. Julie Pascoe is senior advocacy officer at the European Network Against Racism (ENAR), Europe’s largest anti-racism NGO.
YLE A-studio talk show’s question and image sum up Finland’s migration and demographic challenges ahead
he gap in unemployment benefits between migrants and Finns is 39% (15,000 euros versus 9,400 euros) and up to 59% for those who are outside the labor force (7,500 euros versus 3,100 euros).
QUOTE OF THE DAY (Gustave M. Gilbert): “Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy”
What characteristics unite anti-immigration politicians like the Perussuomalaiset* and Blue Reform of Finland? Captain Gustave Mark Gilbert, the Army psychologist at the Nuremberg trials (1945-46), said what the Nazi war criminals on trial had an incapacity to feel with their fellow men. That fellow men and women are today Muslims, among other groups. “Evil, I…
Pakolaisista tulee Suomessa rikollisia ilman tehtyä rikosta
Kun pakolainen on Suomessa vastaanottokeskuksessa, hän on vielä tavallinen pakolainen muiden pakolaisten joukossa. Häntä pidetään pelossa ja epävarmuudessa, monesti vuosia, mutta hän saa sen verran ruokaa ja avustusta, että pysyy fyysisesti kohtuukunnossa. Kun pakolainen on saanut kielteisen päätöksen turvapaikkahakemukseen, eikä häntä voida jostain syystä poistaa maasta, hänestä tulee laiton. Hänet potkaistaan kadulle kyselemättä, onko hänelle…