In the logic of the far-right Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party, the new youth leader of the party is genetically suspect with one of his parents being from the Philippines. Certainly, his name, Lauri Laitinen, has helped, but it proves a point: cultural and ethnic diversity does not pave the way for greater understanding. While my point…
Month: May 2023
Sebastian Tynkkynen: diapers, hate speech with a “Hungarian” heart
The far-right Perussuomalaiset (PS) party has gained significant traction by capitalizing on anti-immigrant sentiment, particularly targeting vulnerable groups such as Muslims. In addition to their hostility towards migrants and minorities, many PS supporters and politicians hold admiration for autocratic leaders like Donald Trump and view Viktor Orbán’s Hungary as an ideal country to emulate. However,…
Letter from Christian Thibault about the formation of a new government
I am currently not very motivated to help a government that includes the Finns Party to succeed, but for the sake of the Swedish People’s Party (SPP) and the country, I am writing this post anyway. I believe that SPP should demand tomorrow that the government program must include that all changes regarding immigration be…
Say no to Petteri Orpo, Riikka Purra, and the new government in formation. We must fight back!
If migration policy is based on lies, suspicion and racism, it is doomed to fail. The attacks and hostility against the migrant and minority community in Finland intensified. The Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party has assured its supporters that there will be a significant tightening of immigration policies. This comes after reaching an agreement with the Swedish…
Do you want Finnish citizenship? 40,000 euros, please!
THE STORY WAS UPDATED According to media reports, Finland is on the verge of forming its most right-wing and anti-immigration government, which is proposing a requirement for migrants seeking Finnish citizenship to earn an annual income of 40,000 euros. CORRECTION: The media, which reported earlier that the new government plans to place a 40,000-euro annual…
Government talks in Finland: to turn back the hands of time or not
Watching the ongoing government negotiations to give birth to Finland’s most right-wing and anti-immigration government can raise one’s blood pressure. The sticky issue National Coalition Party (Kokoomus) prime minister-designate, Petteri Orpo, hopes to resolve the sticky issue of migration and environmental policy. In the face of a chronic labor shortage due to Finland’s graying population,…
Reija Härkönen: Kokoomus on sopiva puolue persujen aisapariksi
Kokoomus julkaisi heinäkuussa 2021 eduskuntaryhmänsä valmisteleman maahanmuutto- ja kotouttamisohjelman, jossa se ehdotti maahanmuuttajien ja kantasuomalaisten sosiaaliturvan eriyttämistä. Julkisen äläkän vuoksi termiksi vaihdettiin ”Suomessa pysyvästi asuva Suomen kansalainen”, mutta ohjelman rasistisuus ei siitä tietysti miksikään muuttunut. Kotouttamisohjelma sisälsi esimerkiksi rasistisen ajatuksen ”meistä kantasuomalaisista” ja niistä muista, jotka eivät ansaitse samaa sosiaaliturvaa, jos eivät löydä työpaikkaa. ”Työn…
Riikka Purra threatens to walk out of government talks: The PS will not participate if migration policy isn’t tightened significantly
Watching the ongoing negotiations between the National Coalition Party, Perussuomalaiset (PS)*, Swedish People’s Party, and Christian Democrats to form Finland’s most right-wing and anti-immigration government is concerning. For one, PS head Riikka Purra’s usual vitriolic anti-immigration rhetoric reminds me of a Brexit minime bully. Purra warned on Thursday that without “migration policy tightened significantly,” they…
Thank you, Sanna Marin for your words of encouragement
There are many surprising factors about Finland’s parliamentary election result in April. One of these is how a progressive government with an internationally acclaimed politician, Sanna Marin, who became the world’s youngest prime minister in 2019 at 34, shifted to a possible conservative and radical right government. Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s speech upon receiving an…
Copout journalism from Helsingin Sanomat
In a lengthy article on the Perussuomalaiset (PS),* Helsingin Sanomat reporter tells us we should not consider the PS a far-right party. The article offers a lot of sources to look at the question but the writer, Markko Jukkari, trips and falls on his face when he starts to editorialize the story. He writes: The Perussuomalaiset is…