After Elin Ersson stopped a deportation of an Afghan asylum seeker with her courageous example on a flight from the Swedish city of Gothenburg to Istanbul in Turkey, a young Finnish woman called Aino Pennanen attempted to stop a similar deportation on a Finnair flight Tuesday by refusing to sit down.
Month: July 2018
Day 9 of Fayaz’s hunger strike: Coping with intense physical and psychological stress
Migrant Tales will begin to publish stories about Fayaz’s hunger strike. Fayaz is an Afghan asylum seeker who faced deportation from Finland and is currently detained at Helsinki’s Metsälä immigration removal center.
Twitter (Hami Bahadori): Free Fayaz from detention! Stop his deportation from Finland!
Migrant Tales insight: Thank you Hamid Bahadori for the heads-up. We are with you and all those who want to stop Fayaz’ deportation and death in Afghanistan. #Stopdeportations #AfghanistanIsNotSafe
Ibrahim’s last chat with me before his departure to Iraq
Ibrahim’s* case, the Iraqi asylum seeker who returned “voluntarily” to Iraq this week, is a case in point of how the Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) and politicians fail people. Here are some facts about Ibrahim, who moved to Finland in October 2015: he applied for 25-30 jobs a week; constantly did voluntary work; converted to…
An active citizen needs to learn at school about two crucial matters: empathy and social activism
If we look at history and today’s Europe and globally, it becomes clear that most people who went to school that too many never learned about empathy and social activism. A positive example of the latter is Elin Ersson, who refused to take a seat on a flight before they removed an Afghanistan deported asylum seeker off the plane.
Does Ibrahim’s claim about Hepatitis B expose white fragility?
Migrant Tales published a story about Ibrahim’s* “voluntary” return to Iraq after coming to Finland in October 2015. While there were many that felt for Ibrahim’s case, some were more preoccupied with what he alleged, or that he contracted Hepatitis B when going to a Finnish dentist. In journalism, you run up against a lot…
(Migrant Tales July 22, 2014) Anders Breivik: Three years after the horror of 22/7 in Norway
How many still remember 22/7, when mass-murderer Anders Breivik went on the rampage seven years ago killing 77 innocent victims? Who wants to remember the man that carried out the worst attack on Norway since the Second World War?
Dutch foreign minister offers excuses for racism and “failures of multiculturalism”
The interview below with Dutch foreign minister, Stef Blok, is another prime example of why racism, bigotry, and discrimination continue to list high on the European shame board. The interview, where Blok tells us how “multiculturalism has failed,” reveals another excuse why racism is deeply ingrained in Europe. .
Ibrahim of Iraq: “Finland is a never-ending long dark tunnel without light”
Do you remember the patient asylum seeker called Ibrahim*, who applied to hundreds of jobs in Finland and who finally got a job at Posti to deliver newspapers at homes? Well, Ibrahim is so fed up with Finland that he decided to move back to Iraq.
Revista Fennia: Paluu mistä olimme
Sokea argentiinalainen kirjailija Borges kuvasi levotonta Argentiina 1970-luvulla monella tavalla. Muistan yhä kun silloin eläkkeellä oleva Horacio-setäni lausui yhden Borgesin siteerauksista samana vuonna kun siviilipresidentti María Martínez de Perón syöstiin vallasta maaliskuu 24 päivä 1976.