“We are nonviolent with people who are nonviolent with us.”— Malcolm X “I can’t breathe.” — George Floyd What is the Coronavirus Revolution? Covid-19 + mass unemployment + balooning social inequality + racist self-serving US president = CORONAVIRUS REVOLUTION. Social movements, like the one we are seeing in the United States today, are sparked by…
Month: May 2020
European Islamophobia Report will publish its 2019 findings in early June
The European Islamophobia Report (EIR) will publish in early June its findings. Should we be surprised that the party that is associated with Islamophobia in Finland is none other than the Perusuomalaiset (PS)*? The forthcoming European Islamophobia Report 2019, which will be published in early June, lists the central figures in Finland’s Islamophobia network. In…
Puheenjohtaja Jussi Halla-ahon kauheimmat sitaatit: “Mestari” ei runkkaa eikä syö hatullisen paskaa
Perussuomalaisten puheenjohtaja Jussi Halla-aho on luonut poliittinen ura solvamalla helppoja maaleja kuten Muslimeja ja muita vähemmistöjä. Hän ei ole vielä sanoutunut irti vanhoista ja loukkaavista kirjoituksista, vaikka myönsi viime vuonna, että osa (emme tiedä mitkä) ovat “tyhmiä ja harkitsemattomia.” Vaikka Halla-aho käyttää eri ilmaisuja tänään kun puhuu maahanmuutosta ja islamista, hänen kannanotot ja maailmankuva on…
Twitter (The Daily Show): President Trump is the “+100,000 charlatan”
The video clip by The Daily Show does not need anymore elaboration except for barf bag to expell his administration’s outright lies and toxicity. Viewer discrtion is advised when looking at the video below. Thank you @zuzeeko for the heads-up.
Otavan Sanomat: Huivini (hijabi) kertoo, kuka minä olen
Euroopassa ja Suomessa on ollut paljon keskustelua musliminaisten huivista eli hijabista. Voin sanoa, että hijabin käyttö ei tarkoita, että musliminaiset alistuivat tai miehet pakottaisivat käyttämään, vaikka joskus näin väitetään. Minulle henkilökohtaisesti hijabi on hyvin tärkeä, sillä se on osa sitä mitä minä olen ihmisenä ja muslimina. Itse voin kysyä samaa asia suomalaisista naisista eli onko…
Update: The tragic ending of Majid’s journey back to Finland
Migrant Tales insight: The story below was published by Migrant Tales in June 2018. It is about a Moroccan who married a Finn but deported to his native country. We received on April 23 from “Majid” the following message: “My wife died.” We will update this story after they perform an autopsy on his late…
Riikka Purra is the ugly Finn who even sees Muslims under her bed
Perussuomalaiset (PS) vice president and MP, Riikka Purra, likes to talk tough against Muslims and people of color. Her whole political message hinges on one overriding matter: spreading hatred and suspicion of Muslims. Purra’s Islamophobic rants and prejudices expose in the raw her political opportunism and self-deception. Her Twitter page is peppered with anti-Muslim racist…
Migrant Tales literary: Returning to where I was once from
Keep on sticking your foot in your mouth Jussi Halla-aho
Perussuomalaiset (PS) chairperson Jussi Halla-aho is on a roll: Heading south in opinion polls, he now wants Finland to ditch the euro “immediately.” That follows another demand: exit international refugee agreements so that no Muslims can seek asylum in Finland. If Halla-aho, who is considered Finland’s number one racist politician, has his way, it will…
Racializing news and reinforcing stereotypes and racist attitudes
The lead story on the Yle website on Wednesday kicks off with the following headline: “Latest coronavirus news: 70 people are in quarantine from a Vantaa school, a record number of infections globally.” It seems like a standard headline, but wait. For some reason, there is a picture of a black person wearing a facemask…