As Migrant Tales correctly pointed out, it didn’t take long for the new party secretary of the Perussuomalaiset (PS), Riikka Slunga-Poutsalo, to show her far right anti-immigration credentials. Interviewed by YLE’s 8:30 pm news, Slunga-Poutsalo “demands” Finland should tighten immigration policy further. Migrant Tales wrote Saturday that one of the aims of the PS annual congress…
Month: June 2013
The PS’ new Cadillac model of racism
How does intolerance and racism work in Finnish politics? How does it manifest itself today in anti-immigration parties like the Perussuomalaiset (PS)? A quote by U.S. civil rights leader Malcolm X (1925-65) provides us with a partial clue to these questions: “Racism is like a Cadillac, they bring out a new model every year.” Is…
Annual congress: The PS aims to become the biggest party in Finland with anti-EU and anti-immigration platform
The first day of Perussuomalaiset (PS) annual congress in Joensuu (July 29-30) did not produce any surprises but reinforced the party’s anti-immigration, and especially its anti-Islam and anti-cultural diversity stand. The party leadership, starting from Timo Soini to its new secretary, Riikka Slunga-Putsalo, confirm this. Soini, who was reelected chairman of the party by a…
Sikh busman confident that employer will lift turban ban
Busman Gill Sukhdarshan Singh is confident that his employer, Veolia Transport of Vantaa, will honor a Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency ruling that imposing a turban ban by the employer was discriminatory. Source: Gill Sukhdarshan Singh. ”I have no doubt that that in two months, when I will get written permission from the employer, I will…
Let’s challenge Finland’s disgraceful family reunification obstacles
Migrants’ Rights Network (MRN) of Britain shows how organizations can do valuable work in lobbying for change against unfair family reunification laws (see Migrant Tales 28.6.13). Politicians, who have tightened such laws, are short-sighted and have created a tragedy for those who live separated from their loved ones. The same suffering that separated families suffer in Finland…
Migrant Rights’ Network: Campaign for the Right to Family life – next steps
By Ruth Grove-White Those affected and campaigning against the new rules on family migration will know that we are fast-approaching their 1-year anniversary on 9 July. Over the next couple of months there is plenty that you will be able to do to raise awareness and ask the Government to think again. See original story…
Landmark decision in Finland: Sikh busman can wear a turban at work
The Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency announced that banning a Sikh busman from using a turban at work was discriminatory, reports YLE in English. The decision is an important watershed and a victory for other minorities living in Finland. The busman, Gill Sukhdarshan Singh of Vantaa, was prohibited from using a turban at work and…
Do we have the resources to keep a check on cyberhate thanks to Prism and Tempora?
Intelligence whistleblowers like Edward Snowden have not only shown the extent of global surveillance by the NSA and GCHQ, but how much governments like the United States flirt with totalitarianism and invest billions of dollars in trying to find a needle in a haystack. Writes the Anti-Defamation League, which was founded in 1913 to address anti-Semitism…
Reija Härkönen: Kansanedustajan natsijatsit
Reija Härkönen* Ensi kuussa on taas Asikkalassa hyvin naamioitu vaalitilaisuus. Vääksyn kanavalla soi jazz. Ihan ilmaiseksi. Kemut järjestää kansanedustaja James Hirvisaari. Hirvisaaren vanhat jatsi- ja gospelkaverit ovat jo vuosia saapuneet tähän aikaan vuodesta juhlistamaan Jameksen syntymäpäiviä. Alkuun yksityisesti, mutta politiikkaan lähdettyään Hirvisaari sai mainion idean pitää juhlat kanavalla, kutsua kyläläiset synttärikansan sekaan ja näin saada…
Soaring unemployment in Finland hits immigrants and visible minorities especially hard
It was shocking to read how Finland’s jobless rate shot up in May to 10.8% from 9.5% a year ago. Since immigrant unemployment is about three times higher than the national average, it means in theory that the unemployed rate for immigrants is at least 30%. Matters are expected to get worse before they improve….