Anyone who has followed Perussuomalaiset (PS)* chairperson Jussi Halla-aho’s political career will easily conclude that it was done on the fuel of racism and bigotry, and generous chunks of it. Racism had become such a normal matter for the PS that on the same day when Halla-aho claimed on Marja Sannikka’s talk show that he…
Month: October 2020
Thanks to France, Riikka Purra, like Jussi Halla-aho, is foaming at the mouth and eager to showcase her racism
THIS STORY WAS UPDATED I, for one, am happy that Perussuomalaiset (PS)* politicians like MP Riikka Purra constantly expose their racist and bigoted self. Purra is not only a Finnish white supremacist but a person who would have felt at home in the pseudo race “theories” of the Third Reich. Imagine any person stating with…
Ranska on tehnyt Jussi Halla-ahosta onnelinen
Oletko huomaneet kuinka rasisti puhuu ja mietti asiat? Rasisti yleistä, leimaa ja potki vyön alle. Katso Perussuomalainen puhenjohtaja Jussi Halla-ahon tyytyväisiä kirjoituksia kun hän pääsee todistamaan kuinka rasisti hän on ja kuinka oikeassa hän oli Ranskasta. Kysymys Halla-aholle: Edustako yksi ihminen 1,8 miljardia muslimeja? Puolustavatko kaikki muslimit mitä tapahtui Ranskassa? Tuskin. Edustiko Anders Breivik kaikki…
No more PS BS and politicking by French President Emmanuel Macron
“Another underlying message also becomes clear in the meantime: ‘Muslims pose a threat to our society and have to be tamed,’ which is reminiscent of the ‘civilizing’ mission of the French colonial conquerors.“ Farid Hafez* THIS STORY WAS UPDATED Any sensible Muslim or person will condemn what happened in France concerning the beheading of a…
Helsinki Times: A rebuttal to Perussuomalaiset* MPs Veikko Vallin and Veijo Meri
Read the original posting here.
Exposing white Finnish privilege #74: The anti-Semitic beast inside Jussi Halla-aho
THIS STORY WAS UPDATED In a recent debate with Center Party chairperson Annika Saariko, the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party head, Jussi Halla-aho, was put on the hot seat after asked about his anti-Semitic blog writings. He denied being an anti-Semite and said that the claim was a popularity stunt by Lauri Nurmi, who recently published an…
The media has power but it prefers driving a moped when confronting racism and the Perussuomalaiset
If there is somebody to blame for Finland’s Perussuomalaiset (PS)* problem, a big part of the blame falls on the media. In that group, you will find politicians and about 17% of Finns who vote for an openly hostile party to Muslims, people of color, and minorities. A good example of the media’s power was…
Mitä ajattelevat Perussuomalaiset ja mitä he peittelevät?
Keitä ovat Perussuomalaiset? Elävätkö he rinnakaistodellisuudessa tai peittelevätkö keitä he ovat todellisuudessa, eli vihaamielisia islamofoobisia, etnonastionalistisia ja maahanmuuttovastaisia? Tässä muutamia väitteitä. Totta tai tarua? Keltainen ei ole pelkurein* väri. Se ei ole myöskään lumenväri. Jussi Halla-aho ei ole stand up koomikko. Emme kannusta aparthedia.
What happened in France was horrendous, the reaction of Islamophobes is just as bad
It is dreadful what happened in France when a man beheaded a teacher for showing students caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad. Any sensible person, irrespective of his or her background, would condemn what happened. Even so, Islamophobes from the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party were already spreading racism and trying to score political points. Having lived in…
Problems with our Internet provider
Saturday afternoon, I received the following message from my Internet provider of an “unscheduled maintenance service.” If you wanted to visit Migrant Tales, you got the following message below: The problem started Saturday afternoon but after about eight hours, Migrant Tales was up and running and back to normal. Apologies for the inconvenience.