In 2015 and 2016 some 38,000 asylum seekers came to Finland and scores of asylum reception centers were established rapidly throughout the country to house so many people. Even if the government’s ever-draconian view of migrants was “not make Finland attractive to asylum seekers” at any cost, asylum seekers helped expose our ineffective immigration and integration policy.
Month: December 2016
Maahanmuutto ja Sipilän hallitus vuonna 2016
Moni suomalainen tulee muistamaan vuoden 2016 politiikan vuotena; sellaisena, jossa Suomen hallituksen tahto törmäsi liian usein perustuslain kanssa. Joidenkin hallituspuolueiden kannattajien mielestä ongelma on perustuslaissa ja jopa jotkut kansanedustajat ovat tahtoneet muuttaa perustuslakia, jotta heidän tahtonsa menisi läpi. Maahanmuuttopolitiikassa Keskusta ja Kokoomus ovat luopuneet tärkeistä periaatteista, kuten yhdenvertaisuudesta ja jopa perustuslain kunnioituksesta, jotta perussuomalaiset pysyisivät…
A naturalized Finn and businessman cannot open a bank account at the only bank of Pertunmaa
Pertunmaa is a small town of 1,800 inhabitants 18km off Highway 5 that takes you to Mikkeli. The owner of Pertunmaan Pizzeria, which opened its doors this month, has had trouble opening a bank account for his business in the only bank of the town.
Migrant Tales (December 27, 2011): Immigration laws reveal what kind of society we are
Tell me what your immigration laws are and I will tell you what kind of society you live in. Show me how those laws defend minorities and encourage cultural diversity and I will show you hypocrisy.
A letter of apology for the disgraceful treatment of asylum seekers in Finland by the government
The cartoon below by Ville Ranta could apply to Europe as well. Instead of having politicians like Perussuomalaiset* Defense Minister Jussi Niinistö, Prime Minister Juha Sipilä and other government ministers stating that “you can’t come in because there’s no room for you,” it’s our hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy that has been exposed to the tee.
Is Christmas a time of joy and hatred towards Muslims?
An asylum seeker in Finland sent Migrnat Tales this picture at a bus stop in Mikkeli, located about 230km north of Helsinki. Finland is gearing up for the Christmas spirit as some racists post these hateful posters.
Remember when PM Juha Sipilä offered his home in Finland to asylum seekers?
In September 2015, Prime Minister Juha Sipilä offered his home in Kempele to asylum seekers. Even so, the tone and position of the prime minister and the government changed by December when Sipilä said that he couldn’t offer his home to asylum seekers any longer because his hometown in northern Finland wasn’t safe for refugees.
Repatriation agreement between Iraqi Ministry of Migration & Displaced and Finland comes to naught
Talks between the Iraqi Ministry of Migration & Displaced and Finnish permanent secretary of the interior ministry, Päivi Nerg, have ended without any agreement, according to an official statement, which added that some 5,000 Iraqi asylum seekers have returned from Finland to Iraq.
Defining white Finnish privilege #32: The white Finnish police service and “them”
If there is an institution that is the epitome of white Finnish privilege that is doing everything possible to hinder cultural and ethnic diversity among its ranks, that institution is the Finnish police service.
Terroristien palveluksessa!
Heräsimme taas kauheaan uutiseen Berliinin joulumarkkinoilla tapahtuneesta hirmuteosta. 12 ihmistä kuoli ja 48 loukkaantui. Saksan poliisi antaa muutaman tunnin kuluttua lisää tietoa. Olisi teko terroristin tai terroristien tekemä tai ei, ei sitä pysty mitenkään hyväksymään tai siitä ei mielestäni pitäisi tehdä pilaa tai yrittää kerätä irtopisteitä tulevia vaaleja varten Valitettavasti näin on kuitenkin tehnyt perussuomalainen…