Migrant Tales was happy to hear that the appeal court in Turku has upheld an earlier decision by the Pirkanmaa district court in Tampere to ban in Finland the neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement (PVL) and Pohjoinen Perinne (Nordic Tradition Group), a PVL –linked group, according to YLE News.
Month: September 2018
YLE of Finland changes picture of niqab-wearing woman after objections. The new picture still instills fear of asylum seekers.
YLE published on Wednesday a story about what different parties’ positions are on migration and cultural diversity. The picture that the state-owned broadcaster chose was, in our opinion, a poor example of opinionated journalism that fuels fear and racism.
Sloppy Finnish journalism that plays into fearmongering and xenophobia
Below, is one example of many of how media like the Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) fuel racism and fear of asylum seekers in Finland. Asylum seekers and Muslims form a small part of Finland’s total immigration picture. Why do they give so much attention to them? If the story is to look at each parties’…
Construction company in Turku area: work 15 hours/day, seven days a week for peanuts
A friend from South America called me and said how a construction company he worked for exploited its workers. The company is located in the Turku area and Migrant Tales is studying the possibility of denouncing this company to the authorities.
Blue Reform’s Sampo Terho of Finland and his politically ambidextrous misbeliefs
Blue Reform* minister for European affairs, culture and sports, Sampo Terho is politically ambidextrous: He can say one thing and state a totally different thing. It is like coming out of the closet and going back in. The opportunism in such ambidextrous behavior is believing that others don’t notice. And we do. In the statement…
Anti-refugee sentiment in Finland and politicians who capitalize on fear and racism
A new survey by PEW Research Center shows that there is wide support in several EU countries for taking in refugees. The report shows that Spain is the most welcoming while Poland and Hungary are the least responsive.
Epäluottamusmies: Kysymys Timo Soinille: onko elämä pyhä?
Timo Soini on menettänyt kaikki: hänen populistinen, maahanmuutto- ja naisvihan puolue perussuomalaiset ja siniset. Hän on tehnyt paljon tuhoa suomen hyvä maineen. Samaan ryhmään ovat kokoomus ja keskusta. Soini saa luottamuksen äänin 100-60 vaikka hänen kantaa aborttiin on suomen lain vastaan. Katso alkuperänen piirros tästä.
Twitter: Ministeri Jari Lindström puhuu #integration2018 “ikärasismista”
How would we classify Finland’s immigration and asylum policy? Thumbs up, or down?
Just like President Donald Trump has destroyed the US’ standing in the world, what wreckage has Finland’s immigration and asylum policy brought on our society and our country’s name?
A message from Ali, who was deported to Kabul, Afghanistan, from Finland
A thirty-year-old Afghan asylum seeker who was deported from Finland three months ago got in touch with me Thursday morning. His messages on Messenger were simple but behind them were evident uncertainty and anxiety. We spoke in Finnish by phone later in the afternoon. Ali had learned a lot of Finnish in the two and a half years he waited unsuccessfully for a residence permit.