The new decade will either make or break Finland. If we are not successful at attracting labor immigrants to our country to plug the ever-growing number of pensioners leaving the labor market during the 2010s, the first one to feel the impact will be the economy.
Month: December 2009
Migrant Tales says thank you!
With year-end rapidly approaching and giving way to the new year, I would like to thank all those thousands of bloggers who have visited Migrant Tales recently and shared their thoughts with us. Thanks you!
Banishing the racial myths of Finland
One of the challenges that cultural diversity will bring on Finland is challenge its myths and views of itself especially on the ethnic front.
MTV3 poll shows Finns do not want more refugees in their municipality
A poll published by MTV3 on December 12 showed that the majority of Finns do not want their municipality to accept refugees. Even though 34% had no opinion on the matter, 46% said they were either against or very much against their municipality accepting refugees. Only 20% were either in favor or very much in favor of accepting refugees.
Finland’s New Identity in the New Century
What will our new identity be like in the present century as our society becomes more ethnically and culturally diverse? Will immigrants be clumped into one group and called New Finns, or will they prefer a hyphenated identity such as Iraqi-Finn?
How do some Finns discriminate?
In countries such as the United States and Brazil the term “race” is used to find out the ethnic diversity of their societies. While it is unclear why Brazil classifies in its census people from different ethnicities, in the United States it is done when drawing up electoral districts.