And also, may people fleeing war, injustice and poverty find that place over the hill where they can build a better life. Give us strength as well to build a strong and vibrant culturally diverse Finland that lives in peace and reaps all the good things. Give us strength to beat racism and all forms…
Month: December 2019
The framing of Muslims and minorities by the Finnish media and other toothless stories
If I had to choose the worst journalism in Finland this year, that would be the media coverage to the sexual assault cases of minors that took place from November 2018 to before the parliamentary elections of April 14. If you speak with some Muslims in Oulu, they will tell you that the hysteria died…
QUOTE OF THE DAY (Toni Morrison): “What are you without racism?”
THIS STORY WAS UPDATED Dedicated to the racist politicians, political parties and groups in Finland. And let’s be clear. I am talking about the Perussuomalaiset (PS)*, National Coalition Party (Kokoomus), Christian Democrats, neo-Nazi groups and websites like Hommaforum. Some politicians that come to mind are Jussi Halla-aho, Riikka Purra, Ville Tavio, Matias Turkkila, Ano Turtiainen,…
Media coverage of the women and children refugees of the al-Hol camp is a low for Finnish journalism
The Finnish media should stop using a bazooka to kill an ant. Is the Finnish media fair when it reports about migrants and minorities like Muslims? Is its reporting biased and unbalanced? The Oulu sexual assault cases and the debate surrounding the al-Hol are the latest examples. Certainly, State Broadcasting Company Yle’s coverage of the…
Päivän sitaatti (Pääministeri Sanna Marin): Mitä kokoomuksen pitäisi hävetä
Tänään Ykkösaamussa haastattelussa kysyttiin uudestaan pääministeri Sanna Marinin mitä kokoomuksen pitäisi hävetä. “Mielestäni kahta asiaa. Ensinnäkin sitä, että kokoomuksen puheenjohtaja Petteri Orpo on sanonut, että näitä (al-Holin suomalaisia) lapsia ei pidä auttaa, jos se tarkoittaa näiden äitien auttamista. Hallituksen linja lähtee siitä, että nämä lapset, joista monet ovat alle viisivuotiaita, taaperoita, päiväkoti-ikäisiä lapsia, heitä pitää auttaa, lapsen…
Exposing Finnish white privilege #67: Pirkka-Pekka Petelius’ apology exposes deep-rooted white Finnish supremacy
Helsingin Sanomat carried out a survey asking if Pirkka-Pekka Petelius did the right thing to apologize to the Saami for mocking them in a racist manner in the Hymyhuulet show (1987-88). The survey showed that 57% thought that Petelius was wrong to apologize, while only 29% said that he did the right thing; 14% had…
The Finnish media should confront its racism problem, apologize and turn over a new leaf
THE STORY WAS UPDATED Migrant Tales has written numerous stories about how the Finnish media frames minorities and people of color. What is most incredible about his fact is that it continues in the Finnish media and even by Helsingin Sanomat, the county’s most important daily. If there is one criticism of Finland’s media, it…
Tampere police highlight in a statement that the suspect isn’t “a person of foreign origin.” WTF?!
A 10-year-old child in a department store in Tampere was attacked by a man with a knife. The suspect took two swings at the child but his father was able to stop the attack. Even if the suspect was a white Finn, and fearing a social media storm on social media, the police announced that…
Seriously, #HelsinginSanomat, let it go!
Finland’s biggest daily Helsingin Sanomat published a story about a Finnish woman who impersonated a Japanese tourist asking dumb questions to Finns. The show was so popular that it even won a Venla award, a Finnish version of the USAmerican Emmy Award. That was in 2014. Why would Helsingin Sanomat, a newspaper with vast resources…
Prime Minister Sanna Marin: the government will help repatriate children but no obligation to help their mothers
Prime Minister Sanna Marin announced today that Finland would assist in the repatriation of some 30 Finnish children in the al-Hol camp in Syria, according to Yle. She said that Finland had no obligation to help the mothers. While the announcement was expected after President Sauli Niinistö stated his view on the matter Sunday, it’s…