There is nothing new in the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* immigration program announced Monday. A surprise for me was that the PS hardline stance means ALL migrants. Previously, I thought the term “migrant” used by the PS was code for Muslims or persons from outside the EU. If the PS had its way, it would completely overhaul…
Month: January 2023
Media Monitoring Group of Finland [1]: Finland’s “youth gang problem” is Finland’s denied “racism problem”
The youth gang “problem” in Finland is a knee-jerk racist reaction. On and off, we have read about our youth gang “problem” with sensationalist headlines from newspapers that should know better. Remember back in 2014, when radical-right Perussuomalaiset (PS)* MP Tom Packalén created quite a stir when he claimed that a youth gang in East…
Riikka Purra and the anti-EU PS may be too radical for Finland’s taste
Perussuomalaiset (PS)* chairperson, Riikka Purra, stuck her mouth in her foot at a debate with National Coalition Party (Kokoomus) head Petteri Orpo, when she said that it is still the radical-right party’s long-range aim to leave the EU. “Finnish citizens are not in favor of leaving the EU,” she was quoted as saying in Helsingin…
Finland’s lurch to the right and its Islamophobic fuel
Where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people also. Heinrich Heine Thanks to Social Democrat Prime Minister Sanna Marin, leaders of the Left Alliance, Green League, and the Swedish People’s Party, there is a public reaction to the radical right and blatantly racist campaign promises by the Perussuomalaiset (PS).* Prime Minister Marin recently slammed the PS as…
Haluaako Suomi lähettää ihmisiä Turkkiin uhrattaviksi?
Nato-huuma meinaa taas Suomessa ryöpsähtää yli. Ulkoministeri Haavisto meni tokaisemaan, että me kyllä kohta mennään Natoon ilman Ruotsia. Tavallisesti harkitseva ja diplomatiankin taitava ministerimme lienee jälleen puun ja kuoren välissä, kun olisi tyydytettävä klikkiotsikkoja kaipaavien toimittajien tarpeet, rähisevän äärioikeiston ja natokiimaisen, sotaa pelkäävän kansanosan tarpeet ja oman hallituksenkin toiveet. Juuri tässä tilanteessa pitäisi maltti kuitenkin…
Suva: The artist with the “ink of fire”
It was only a heartbeat from the New Year when I met Suva at his Kallio apartment in Helsinki. His room is cozy and full of his instruments and artwork. After moving to Finland in 2007, he reached an important phase: Migri (Finnish Immigration Service), which makes or breaks migrants, granted him a long-awaited permanent…
Media Monitoring Group of Finland [1]: Viimeinen sana program left out some important questions unanswered
THE STORY WAS UPDATED Yle’s Viimienen sana invited three guests to talk about Finland’s alleged youth gang problem and how the media treats the topic. The three guests clearly indicated how the talk show would frame the topic. In the first place, there were no minorities taking part in the debate. All of the guests were white…
Facebook Mahad Sheikh Musse: Maahan muuttanut alituisesti oppijan roolissa
Alkuperäinen juttu julkaistiin Nuoriso-ohjaaja Mahad Omar Sheikh Musse on seurannut monen perheen elämää läheltä sekä työntekijänä että maahan muuttaneena. Mahadin mukaan sukupolvikuilu ja väärinymmärrysten vaara rakentuu perheenjäsenten oppiessa sekä kirjoitettuja että kirjoittamattomia sääntöjä eri tahtiin. “Uuteen maahan saapuessaan ihminen joutuu pakosti oppijan asemaan. Hän on eräänlaisessa jännitystilassa koko ajan, koska ennalta tuntemattomien ja yllättävien…
Kokoomus proves it again: racism coupled with nationalism is a good fix before a parliamentary election
Perussouomalaiset (PS)* head Riikka Purra wasn’t the only one overjoyed by the latest Helsingin Sanomat opinion poll, which showed the radical-right party overtaking the Social Democrats to second place after the National Coalition Party (Kokoomus). Behind Purra was Kokoomus chief Petteri Orpo, gleeing. Finns will go to the polls on April 4 to elect 200 MPs. While observers…
Exposing white Finnish privilege #91: The right to generalize and victimize minorities
THE STORY WAS UPDATED Those who are worried about the blow to the credibility of the security guards due to several scandals that even led to the death of a woman in Espoo are quick to point out one should not jump to conclusions and label all security guards and the sector. True, we should…