A new UK government policy on migrant integration is expected to be announced any day now. To date migrant community organisations have had no input into the way this has been developed by the government departments. But may be a new toolkit on migrant integration, just published by the European Network Against Racism, will give us some pointers on how groups working at the local level can regain some control over migrant integration projects.
Month: November 2011
Mail Online: Apartheid row at Oslo school as teachers segregate ethnic students so white children don’t feel ‘in a minority’
A Norwegian school segregated ethnic minority classmates because white children were feeling ‘in the minority.’ The move, at Bjerke Upper Secondary School in Oslo, divided students and parents, sparking an protests across the city.
Who is Finland’s Uncle Tom?
Is there such a concept as Uncle Tom in Finland? @HelsinkiObs helped me out with this question: “It’s Setä Tuomo (older style) or Tuomo-setä if you mean this context.”
MIPEX Blog: European Commission asks, When is a family not a family?
Does the EU Family Reunion Directive reflect how you would define a family? MPG’s analysis of MIPEX and Eurostat statistics reveals that immigrant’s parents, grandparents, and adult children are somehow entitled to reunite in most countries, but few can or do apply.
Community Village Activist: When Worlds Collide
I’m European American and I’ve been trying to unpack what it means to be living on the land of First Nation Peoples / Indigenous Native American land. Every sane individual would agree that people are not supposed to steal, and yet, Non-Native Americans live on stolen land every day.
Spiegel Online International: Racism in Germany – A Story of Death Threats and Casual Insults
Germany was shocked to learn the extent of the crimes committed by a recently uncovered right-wing extremist group. But racism is hardly an anomaly in Germany. One family’s experience shows just how widespread prejudice and hate really is.
Denial, ignorance and racism are the lamentable side of the same coin
When do immigrants and Finns with culturally diverse backgrounds become their worst enemy? Does it happen when we become blind or play down the existence of social ills such as racism and prejudice in our society?
Savon Sanomat: Rasismi on uhka kaikille
Miksi meidän tulisi olla huolestuneita rasismin noususta Iisalmessa, Lieksassa ja muualla? Mitä se kertoo Suomen yhteiskunnasta ja sen pahoinvoinnista?
How well does Finland’s school system educate children with immigrant backgrounds?
A story on the Guardian praises Finland’s educational system for setting a “great example” in educating immigrant children. While I am certain there are many success stories out there, are matters that rosy as the London daily claims?
MTV3: Kauppalehti: Siivousfirmojen pitää irtisanoa maahanmuuttajia
Uudellamaalla kiistellään siivousalan työvoimatilanteesta, kertoo Kauppalehti. Uudenmaan työlupayksikkö on evännyt työlupia afrikkalaisilta ja aasialaisilta siivoojilta ja kehottanut yrityksiä palkkaamaan siivoojia Euroopan talousalueelta. Luvatta jääneet siivoojat olivat olleet töissä jo vuosia, turvapaikkahakemuksen käsittelyn kestäessä.