The vote to defeat the draft bill that would have legalized gay marriage by the legal committee of parliament sets not only a dangerous precedent but reveals Finland’s ever-hardened stance not only against gays, but against all minorities. If there were a Hall of Shame for MPs, its members would consist of those who voted against the gay-marriage…
Month: February 2013
Finnish parliamentary committee votes 9-8 against gay marriage
A draft law to legalize gay marriage in Finland has been defeated by a vote of 9-8 by the legal committee of parliament, reports Uusi Suomi, citing Tweets by Green Party MP Jani Toivola and Aino-Kaisa Pekonen of the Left Alliance. Green MP Jani Toivola tweeted that he was “disappointed” by the gay marriage vote today. The members…
Far right and anti-immigration quotes in English by the PS
There’s a new site that publishes quotes by your favorite Perussuomalaiset (PS) politician in English. Those PS politicians are none other than Jussi Halla-aho, James Hirvisaari and Juho Eerola. You can visit the site at The editors state the following: “Quotes by some leading politicians of the True Finns party. Note that we do…
Finland, the PS and far right: How long before the chickens come home to roost?
I’ve lived and worked in countries like Colombia and Argentina during the dirty war (1976-83), where people were and still are killed for what they write. Never would I have imagined that I’d receive my first death threats twenty years ago in this country, Finland. The threats and harassment haven’t stopped. When I read…
Jegor Nazarov: Mitä yhteenvertaisuus merkitse minulle
Jegor Nazarov Minulle se tarkoittaa paljon, koska siinä ei arvostella ihmisiä heidän taustan mukaan. Kaikki eivät tiedä tarpeeksi ihmisistä koska he ovat erilaisia. Tämä selittää miksi ennakkoluulot ovat olemassa. Eri ihmisillä voi olla erilaiset tapoja. Vaikka he ovat erilaisia se ei tarkoita ettei he voisivat tulla toimeen keskenään. Kun puhun erilaisuudesta, tarkoitan maahanmuuttajia sekä vammaisia…
PS MP Hirvisaari now says he was “pressured” to resign from Suomen Sisu
Perussuomalaiset (PS) MP James Hirvisaari, who was convicted for ethnic agitation in December, announced Saturday on Twitter that he was “pressured” to resign from the extremist Suomen Sisu association. He announced on Friday that he was resigning from Suomen Sisu because he was too old to belong to “a youth organization.” Hirvisaari tweets, “The truth:…
Finland’s biggest threat is itself
As Finland awakens to the reality that it is a culturally diverse society, one of the biggest threats and challenges we face doesn’t come from abroad but from our backyard. When the Civil Rights Movement ended in the United States in 1968, the first matter that we learned we should stop doing is generalizing about blacks…
Far right PS MP Hirvisaari resigns from Suomen Sisu
Perussuomalaiset (PS) MP James Hirvisaari, who was convicted for ethnic agitation in December, announced on his blog that he has resigned from the extremist Suomen Sisu association. The whole announcement is fishy: Why is Hirvisaari resigning now? Does it make any difference? Who cares. The Supreme Court upheld in June Hirvisaari’s ethnic agitation conviction. Hirvisaari’s…
Ethnic agitation charges will be brought against another PS politician
Charges of ethnic agitation will be brought by deputy state prosecutor Jorma Kalske against Kontiolahti councilman Mika Hiltunen, reports YLE. Hiltunen claimed on his Facebook page in January that refugees and asylum seekers “are social-welfare bums and rapists.” JusticeDemon asks an interesting question about the case: “… this particular statute [Section 10 of chapter 11 of…
Orjakauppa-artikkeli ja siirtomaaspekulaatiota Hesarissa
Kuuntelin eilen työmatkalla tiistailta lataamaani Jari Sarasvuon radio-ohjelmaa, joka lähetetään Yle Puheen kautta. Sarasvuo on fantastinen radiossa jos hänen kuuntelemiselleen on varata aikaa häiriötön tunti. Taustakuunteluna se toiminee huonommin, sen verran paljon asiaa käsitellään yhden iltapäivätunnin aikana. Vaikka se ei varsinaisesti tämän viikon aihe ollutkaan, viittasi Sarasvuo muutamaan otteeseen viime viikonlopun Helsingin Sanomien juttuun, jossa…