Ilmestykö rasismia suomalaisissa mediassa? Nämä Ilta-Sanomien ja Iltalehden lööpit* 1990-luvulta todistavat kuinka iltapäivälehdet levittivät ja vahvistivat rasismia Suomessa. Olisiko anteeksipyyntö paikalla? Vaikka hiljaisuus saattaa vastata kysymykseen, uskon, että jonain päivänä iltapäivälehdet pyytävät anteeksi kaikkea sitä mitä ovat kirjoittaneet maahanmuuttajista ja vähemmistöistä.
Month: January 2021
The PS will not succeed at turning Finland into a Hungary or Trumpland
TOPLINE The greatest deterrent in foiling the attempts of the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party’s political aims is our fervent opposition to such plans. SOLUTIONS What does the latter imply? It means: voting, getting active in politics, writing, talking, debating, reciting poetry, demonstrating, going on hunger strike, getting constantly informed, busting fake news – living as if…
Finland’s radical-right populists have already broken their campaign promises
TOPLINE The Perussuomalaiset (PS)* is a radical-right party with fringe elements. The pet topic that helps them cash in on voters is migration and migrants with the help of two main pieces of fake news. FACTS AND QUESTION MARKS It is odd, if not irresponsible, that the media does not ask the PS to specify…
The wet political dream of the Perussuomalaiset party*
With municipal elections nearing on April 18, it’s interesting to note how the Perussuoalaiset (PS) are sowing division. Like in previous elections, they have always received a boost by some sexual assault crimes caused by asylum seekers and people of color. Their campaign is full of bravado mixed with impossible campaign promises. Their pet topic…
Mikael Kallavuo: Mihin kohtiin demokratia–fasismi -akselilla Jussi Halla-ahon näkökulmat sijoittuvat?
Toimittaja Lauri Nurmen tekemä Jussi Halla-ahon epävirallinen elämäkerta -teos auttaa syvemmin ymmärtämään perussuomalaisten puheenjohtajan poliittisia päämääriä. Tuskinpa kovin moni edes tietää, kuinka tiiviit kytkökset Jussi Halla-aholla on äärioikeistolaisena ja jopa fasistisena pidettyyn Suomen Sisuun. Aluksi keskustelu- ja kirjallisuuspiirinä toimineessa Suomen Sisun perustajien Thule-ryhmässä luettiin monia Natsi-Saksan ja äärioikeistolaisten kuuluvia teoksia. Lukemistoon kuuluu muun muassa ”Ku Klux Klanin entisen suurvisiirin, antisemitistin ja valkoisen…
PS MP Riikka Purra is an opportunist full of white supremacist ideology
MP Riikka Purra is an ethnonationalist with a strong white supremacist ideology of the Perussuoalaiset (PS) party. She is also first vice president of the PS. One of Purra’s biggest message is how Finland is becoming culturally and ethnically diverse. According to her, this is a threat to the power and privileges that white Finns…
Denmark’s PM Mette Frederiksen on zero asylum seekers and other wishes like our head up our…
When I read the news story that Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen stated that she wants the country to accept zero asylum seekers, I sarcastically thought that one of the EU’s most Islamophobic countries had found a solution to end global inequality and strife. The Perussuomalaiset (PS), Finland’s close ideological ally of the Danish People’s…
27-year-old Iraqi: “An asylum seeker is an animal and becomes a human being in Finland until he gets a residence permit”
TOPLINE In November, an Iraqi asylum seeker called Ziad* from Jämsänkoski heard the court sentence a man who had threatened him the previous year with a knife and called him a vitun pakolainen (f**king asylum seeker) and vitun ulkomaalainen (f**king foreigner). KEY FACT The verdict? A one-month jail sentence and a 700-euro fine paid to the victim. KEY…
Why are the PS so silent about the US President Joe Biden’s administration?
TOPLINE The silence emerging from the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* politicians are highly revealing. Their populist autocratic mentor, former President Donald Trump, is history and no longer in power. KEY FACTS While only PS MEP Laura Huhtasaari and PS MP Veikko Vallin were some of the very few politicians of the party to comment on the transfer…
Biden inauguration: Words of unity and inclusion that reverberate in Finland
After four years of chaos and division, an illness that even inflicted the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* and politicians in other parties that sow division heard long-overdue healing words. Without losing sight of the wars, CIA-inspired coups, and the human destruction brought on by the United States, it took a despot-inspired president like Donald Trump to give…