When will we start seeing politicians and, possibly government ministers, doing this in Finland? Hopefully never.
Month: April 2019
Is Oulu, Finland, a safe place for Muslims?
Maters have calmed down in the face of sexual harassment cases in Oulu after the April 14 parliamentary elections. Even so, many visible minorities and migrants don’t feel safe in public.
Part I: Racism causes trauma and mental suffering
Maailman Kuvalehti, a periodical which often takes up issues of xenophobia and racism in Finland more bravely than the mainstream media, cited the article Häpeää, itsesyytöksiä, masennusta – toistuvan rasismin vaikutukset mielenterveyteen voivat olla vakavat (Shame, self-blame, and depression – continuous racism encounter impact on mental wellbeing can be severe). Dated April 24th to a study by Robert T. Carter (University of Columbia), it stated that day-to-day exclusion encounters cause mental depression and symptoms similar to war trauma. Read the article here.
Migrant Literary: Suva – Artist interview on “Public Anatomy”
Otherness and other layers… By Hami Bahadori
The Finnish media should refer to the Perussuomalaiset as a far-right party
Helsingin Sanomat goes to some length in a story about the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* being referred to by the chairperson of the Social Democratic Pary (PSOE), Pedro Sánchez, as a “far-right” party. We could not agree more to Pedro Sánchez’ description of the PS as a far-right party.
Finnish President Sauli Niinistö’s disinformation bubble about racism and Others
Is it surprising that whenever President Sauli Niinistö comments on asylum seekers, Muslims, and the Perussuomalaiset (PS)*, he sticks his foot in his mouth?
Tapani Brotherus: The present refugee atmosphere in Finland “is part of a phase”
Former ambassador to Chile (1971-76) Tapani Brotherus, 80, is a hero to many. Thanks to his efforts, many enemies of Augusto Pinochet’s military junta would have ended imprisoned, tortured, and dead today.
Islamofobia Suomessa lähellä Luonan Vantaan vastaanottokeskusta
Kuva on lähetty 5.4. Viesti on kirjoitettu seinään lähellä Vantaan Luonan vastaanottokeskusta. Kiitoksia Wael Ch.
Actions of the Finnish police and Yle reveal multicultural incompetence in coverage of Oulu sexual assault cases
It is odd how little Yle takes the blame for being the facilitator of anti-immigration and anti-Muslim sentiment in regards to the sexual assault cases of Oulu. Migrant Tales documented 77 stories published between November 27 and February 13. On January 14, Yle published in one day 13 stories about the topic!
PART II: Migrant child custody in Finland aren’t always open-and-shut cases
The ongoing drama of the Muslim family continues: three of the girls, aged 9, 7 and 2, are in a foster home while another one, who is 14, is in another one. The mother, who is an Iraqi and who moved to the country in the early 2000s, is without her children but lives again with her husband.