When will we start seeing politicians and, possibly government ministers, doing this in Finland? Hopefully never.
In the tweet below is the anti-immigration and anti-EU Conservative People’s Party ministers. On the left is Martin Helm, the new finance minister, and on the right his father, Martin Helm, the new interior minister.
Prime Minister Juri Ratas presented the 15-member coalition government on Monday at the 101-seat Riigikogu (parliament) assembly. In a direct snub at the Conservative People’s Party membership in the government, Estonia’s President Kersti Kaljulaid (see the picture on the right) appeared with a college shirt that read Sõna on vaba or the floor is yours.
The Conservative People’s Party became the country’s third-largest part in the March 3 parliamentary elections, which saw it win a total of 19 seats compared with 7 seats previously.