With no solution in sight to the end of the war in Ukraine, part of the collateral damage is the Russian-speaking community of Finland, by far the biggest language group outside of Finnish, Swedish, and Sami. Even before Russia invaded Ukraine, there was a lot of hatred and suspicion of Russians. Even if Finland signed…
Month: July 2024
Migrant Tales interviews an asylum seeker who was apprehended at the Evros River proving the deep corruption and violence at that border
THE STORY WAS UPDATED It is usually the rule rather than the exception that everywhere EU’s Frontex polices with local border guards the border, “European values” are thrown under the bus or underwater in most cases. For this reason, some fear that Finland’s pushback law will be just another example of the corruption, violations, and…
Migrant Tales Literary: Haluan olla perussuomalainen poliitikko!
Leo Honka Perussuomalaisena poliitikkona voin sanoa mitä tahansa milloin vaan,loukata ketä tahansaja nämä sanat eivät tule vainoamaan pahasti minua tulevaisuudessa.Miksi? Koska olen perussuomalainen poliitikko. Voin julkaista paljon rasistista roskaa kuten Jussi Halla-aho tekija tulla eduskunnan puhemieheksi.Voin jopa uhata tappaa maahanmuuttajanuoria junassa ja päätyä valtiovarainministeriksi.Voin sanoa paljon typeriä rasistisia asioita ja selvitä siitä kuten Riikka Purra.Sisäministeri…
Finland’s immigration policy has been for decades racist by design
Claim: The deportation law has nothing to do with migration policy. Interior Minister Mari Rantanen, among other Perussuomalaiset* politicians Migrant Tales: It has all to do with migration policy! The pushback law has not only brought several pressing questions about how Finland respects Human Rights, its Constitution, and international agreements, but it continues to reveal…
Karolina Budzisz: Tales of our own
Migrant Tales insight: Throughout the years, Migrant Tales has received a lot of recognition. The latest one is from Karolina Budzisz, who wrote her thesis on anti-racism voices in Finland. During the past seventeen years, we have kept true to our goal: It aims to be a voice for those whose views and situation are…
Finland should ask the EU to ditch Human Rights altogether. Why should we care less for refugees?
The depths of Finnish hypocrisy continue to find new records with President Alexander Stubb. Finland entered uncharted waters a week ago after the pushback law was passed, which compromised the country’s human rights, the Constitution, and international agreements. The president’s hubris and anti-Russian sentiment were exposed for everyone to witness when he said that the pushback law…
Human Rights in Finland should be our struggle’s clarion call
“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.” Nelson Mandela The passage on Friday of the pushback law with the support of the Social Democrats, demonstrates that we have entered uncharted waters. We should not be naive to think that the shelving of human rights, undermining our constitution, and turning our…
Aleksanterinliitto:* Turvallisuus poliittisten päämäärien verhona – perhe ja ystävät jäävät rajan taakse
Muistan taannoin lukeneeni Voima-lehden pääkirjoituksessa Maslow’n tarvehierarkiasta. Tämä hierarkia tulee usein mieleen, kun seuraan nykyistä Suomen politiikkaa. Lyhyesti tarvehierarkian ensimmäisellä tasolla on fyysiset tarpeet ja seuraavalla turvallisuus. Ja mitä kaikkea turvallisuuden nimessä tehdäänkään nyt, ehkä kiitos siitä että suomalaiset ovat myös varsin turvallisuushakuisia. Maailmassa on paljon ylikierroksilla käyviä asioita ja monta konfliktia: Gazan ja Ukrainan…
12 July 2024 was Finland’s day of infamy for Human Rights and the rule of law
Finland’s controversial pushback law received in parliament the needed two-thirds majority to turn away people seeking asylum at the border. One hundred sixty-seven MPs voted for the law while 31 voted against it. Critics of the law argue that it conflicts with the Constitution, Human Rights, and international agreements signed by Finland with the United…
The pushback law will be remembered as a day of infamy for Human Rights in Finland
Finland’s parliament will vote today for the pushback law law that should b seen as another nail in the coffin of Finland’s experiment in being a more open country based on Human Rights. After Finland became an EU member in 1995, many monumental legal changes changes were made, like the drafting of the new constitution…