The depths of Finnish hypocrisy continue to find new records with President Alexander Stubb. Finland entered uncharted waters a week ago after the pushback law was passed, which compromised the country’s human rights, the Constitution, and international agreements.
The president’s hubris and anti-Russian sentiment were exposed for everyone to witness when he said that the pushback law would serve as a good model for other countries to copy.
Stubb signed the new bill into law on Monday. He was a bit apologetic: “I understand the legal and humane considerations associated with this act. The debate is an indication of Finnish people’s strong commitment to national security and the rule of law.”
Even Interior Minister Mari Rantanen showed a rare commodity of her personality: I hope the new law will never be applied, she said.
During these difficult times when Finland has ditched its human rights obligations, we should not forget one matter: The new law is incompatible with Human Rights, the Constitution, and international agreements. Article 30 of the Human Rights Convention states:
“Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.”

Even if Stubb portrays strength, some consider him a wishy-washy politician who could care less for migrant and minority rights. Read the full story in Finnish here.
Finland has entered a new phase, where the president, the government, and 167 MPs against 31 who voted against, have said yes to ditching human rights.
Are the next human rights violations going to be in the Russian community of Finland, who will be denied dual citizenship? The government can always tar-and-feather this minority and claim they are a security risk.
Instead of beating around the bush and showing one’s hypocrisy, why doesn’t Finland trash Human Rights altogether?
Screw those refugees. How ungrateful they are after we have robbed and brought war to their countries?
Parties like the National Coalition Party and the Perussuomalaiset* could argue that they are only refugees so screw them.