National Coalition Party MEP Henna Virkkunen is hoping to become an EU commissioner. However, there is a question: Is a person qualified if he or she would care less or very little if people die when coming to Europe? In the 2019 MEP election, she responded in the Alma Meter election compass in the affirmative…
Month: June 2024
The elephant in the room that shows us the way to Hungary, and wishful political thinking in Finland
How can the government be so worried about “national security” if you are ready to trash our most sacred rights like Human Rights, the Constitution, and international agreements? The Draft Act on Temporary Measures to Combat Instrumentalised Migration, or the so-called pushback law, is not only concerning how the constitutional committee can sidestep our most sacred values…
Finland’s Interior Minister Mari Rantanen gets hammered on A-studio
The Perussuomalaiset (PS)* and Interior Minister Mari Rantanen got bitten hard by her own and some of the party’s racist statements on A-studio by host Marja Sannikka. Rantanen’s ignorance and loathing of migrants, especially Muslims and people of color, shines through as usual. The PS is the first modern party in Finland to capitalize on…
Tales from Europe: From stowaway to advocate: Sheku Amadu Jalloh’s story of activism in Denmark
In November 1990, Sheku Amadu Jalloh arrived in Denmark from Sierra Leone as a stowaway, escaping the political turmoil of his homeland. Over three decades later, the stowaway, Jalloh who has studied journalism at the University of Liberia with a three-month training program in the USA, is a Danish citizen and a dedicated employee at…
Finland’s shameful “let them die” MEPs: Mika Aaltonen, Pekka Toveri, Henna Virkkunen, Sebastian Tynkkynen and Katri Kulmuni
In the 2019 European Parliament election, Henna Virkkunen of the National Coalition Party agreed that the EU was not obligated to save people from drowning in the Mediterranean. She was in good company with the likes of Perussuomalaiset MEPs Laura Huhtasaari and Teuvo Hakkarainen. Virkkunen reasoned that we should stop traffickers, even if it means…
Anti-racism cooking with Yahya Rouissi
How to make a zero-tolerance winter recipe for boiled rocks in a pot, spreading fear and throwing the elderly, disabled, and low-income people into the woods. The “meal” is ready.
The elephant in the racist room is the Perusuomalaiset and the government
If the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* is a far-right party, is it correct to say that the National Coalition Party a radical-right party? After the second stabbing in a week in Oulu, politicians are sending their condolesneces. The question we should be looking at is the level of disingenuity. Parties like the PS and politicians like Interioir…
Länsi-Savo: Kansainvälistyminen edellyttää osaamista moninaisuudesta
Kansainvälistyminen on mahdollisuus. Näin kuvasi myös Mikkelin kaupunginjohtaja Janne Kinnunen Länsi-Savon haastattelussa 9.6. Etelä-Savon ja Mikkelin väestökehityksen näkökulmasta se on jopa välttämättömyys. Väestön väistämättä ikääntyessä ja vähetessä kohtaamme merkittäviä haasteita erityisesti työvoiman saatavuudessa. Tarvitsemme uusia asukkaita, sekä edellytyksiä yrityksille ottaa vastaan työvoimaa myös Suomen rajojen ulkopuolelta. Suomalainen yhteiskunta on aina ollut monimuotoinen, ja ihmiset edustavat…
Mari Rantanen has no credibility and should resign – her racist posts reveal who she is
In the face of the far right in government, the only thing that Prime Minister Petteri Orpo can parrot is that we have a good government program. The recent MEP election revealed how little credibility Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s government has. The Perussuomalaiset (PS)*, suffered a stinging blow. The National Coalition Party (NCP) was spared…
There is a connection between far-right conspiracy theories and violence
After Perussuomalaiset (PS)* Finance Minister Riikka Purra was forced to eat her words after falsely claiming that the stabbing of a 12-year-old in Oulu was the work of youth gangs, few if any analysis is being made about the government’s hard-right immigration policy and its spread of conspiracy theories like the great replacement. In racist…