In the face of the far right in government, the only thing that Prime Minister Petteri Orpo can parrot is that we have a good government program.
The recent MEP election revealed how little credibility Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s government has. The Perussuomalaiset (PS)*, suffered a stinging blow. The National Coalition Party (NCP) was spared by the good showing of three candidates, Mika Aaltola, Pekka Toveri, and Henna Virkkunen.
The election changed a lot of matters. For one, did it weaken the support of the pushback law getting the needed two-thirds majority? Has the PS’ stint in Orpo’s government shortened? Did the poor showing of the PS embolden some MPs not to give their vote of confidence Tuesday to PS Minister of Economic Affairs Wille Rydman?
Two stories with legal experts, university professors and other social influencers speaking out against the pushback law drafted by the government in Helsingin Sanomat and Yle.
The Draft Act on Temporary Measures to Combat Instrumentalised Migration, or pushback law is now at the constitutional committee. I am certain that its chairperson, Heikki Vestman of the NCP, would not think twice at throwing Finland’s Human Rights, international agreements and constitution under the bus. He does so because he falsely believes he’ll never become a refugee.
Moreover, and taking a look at other EU borders, it’s clear that in Finland will see violence, suffering, and death.
If we look at the brainchild and cheerleader of the pushback law, Interior Minister Mari Rantanen and the PS with the support of the NCP, we only have to look at her social media history to conclude that she is the last person we should be listening to.
Looking at Rantanen’s and the PS’ racist history can be found in social media. It is there, trying to desperately hide from the public’s view.
Below, are some of Minister Rantanen’s most racist and infamous quotes:
Just before the MEP election on 9 June, the PS reached up the fear-mongering of asylum seekers in its campaign brochure by picturing them as hoards.
Playing the “Muslim woman” and criticizing the right to wear the hijab, veil.