“Adagio per sortem, annales se iterum replicabant.” Before ascension, from under the rubbles, Palestinian children with a bitter smile: “In articulo mortis. Morituri te salutant (At the moment of death. Those who are about to die salute you).” From the high seat of human rights and standards Europe replies: “Mors ultima ratio (Death is the…
Month: October 2023
Reports show a rise of racism in Finland and Europe but politicians continue to look the other way
It isn’t surprising why the government of Petter Orpo has paid so little attention to two reports that continue to shine a dark light on Finland: The 2022 suspected hate crime report by the Police University College of Finland, and Being Black in the EU by the Europen Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). Migrant…
Tales from Europe: Luxembourg’s first ever Black History Month event
At One People ASBL, our most cherished quote is: “Anti-racism is a team sport.” Celebrating Black History Month is a diverse and inclusive event that highlights and promotes the rich culture and history of the Afro community. It caters to people of all backgrounds, including children, youths, entrepreneurs, and employees. The event includes a wide…
Jussi Halla-aho was an evil clown show then, now, and always
The Perussuomalaiset (PS)* speaker of parliament, Jussi Halla-aho, is trying his hardest to have his cake and eat it. The trial that led to ethnic agitation conviction and for breaching the sanctity of religion in 2012 rose him to prominence. The very racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, and homophobic writings on his Scripta blog in the 2000s…
The Finnish government’s radical immigration policy is inhumane and ruthless
National Coalition Party (NCP) Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s coalition partner, the radical-right Perussuomalaiset (PS)*, is going all out to make life as miserable as possible for migrants, especially asylum seekers and undocumented migrants. PS Interior Minister Mari Rantanen has threatened to take “a radical shift” in asylum policy and undocumented migrants. In her opinion, if…
The EU’s immigration policy is based on denial, death, and wishful thinking. It is a recipe for disaster and remorse.
When it comes to migration policy and treating asylum seekers, the EU has three solutions: It is clear that with global warming and democracy under attack, more people will have to abandon their homes and come to regions like Europe. If I were them, I’d do the same. But the most distressing fact is that…
The tightening of Finland’s citizenship law is disenfranchisement and sheer hypocrisy by Interior Minister Mari Rantanen
Listening to the anti-immigration rhetoric of Petteri Orpo’s government and especially of its Perussuomalaiset (PS)* interior minister, Mari Rantanen, on tightening citizenship requirements, two matters come to light: racism and hypocrisy. The planned changes in the citizenship law include: Rantanen is not only a multiculturally challenged politician but does not practice what she hatefully preaches….
Finland’s (and the EU’s) answer to the growing number of climate refugees, worsening global warming, and strife are denial and higher walls
If there is one matter that one can agree with doomsday far-right anti-immigration politicians, it is that Europe and the developed world will be swamped in this century by people fleeing ever-worsening climate disasters, and civil strife. What is hypocritical, even criminal, about the latter is that Europe and the developed world are responsible for…
Yahya Rouissi: Finnish government’s plans to ethnically profile racialized youths
Recent discussions by the Finnish government have raised concerns among human rights groups about the possibility of copying Denmark to carry out random spot checks on people in certain neighborhoods. If such a measure were ever implemented, it could lead to France’s controversial Article 24 which restricts videoing the police with the intention of “threatening…
Mahad Sheikh Musse: Nuorten ääni puuttuu
Teksi ja kuvat Mahad Sheikh Musse Migrant Talesin konteksti: Mahad Sheikh Musse on monikulttuurisen nuorisotyön ammattilainen, joka omaa vuosien kokemus viranomaisten ja eri yhteisöjen kanssa työskentelmisestä. Hän on kirjoittanut katujengejä koskevasta aiheesta Migrant Talesiin. Sen lisäksi, että meneillään olevassa keskustelussa ei kuulla rodullistettuja nuoria, herää kysymys, onko hallitus kiinnostuneempi leimaamisesta kuin hyvien ratkaisujen löytämisestä tähän…