The Perussuomalaiset (PS)* speaker of parliament, Jussi Halla-aho, is trying his hardest to have his cake and eat it. The trial that led to ethnic agitation conviction and for breaching the sanctity of religion in 2012 rose him to prominence. The very racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, and homophobic writings on his Scripta blog in the 2000s brought him a handsome political career.
I wonder what people would think that after not getting elected in 2007, he became speaker of parliament in 2023. His political rise does not only say a lot about him but also about Finland. Many Finns are conservative and racist.
You can read some of his quotes here.
Thanks to Halla-aho’s blog in 2008, it gave me a good reason to continue writing Migrant Tales.I was planning to abandon the blog but thanks to Scripta, and the hostility against my blog, I planned to stick it out. That was almost fifteen years ago.

Left to right: Even if Jussi Halla-aho hopes that people will forget his racist roots, behind the gavel he uses as speaker of parliament, he will always be an evil clown show. Accepting Halla-aho would be saying that all his racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and far-right views are ok and normal. It’s not, even if he is running for president, where he takes the cue from other PS politicians like Laura Huhtasaari who appear abnormally white thanks to makeup and hair dye. Sources:, Suomen Kuvalehti, and.PS.
Below is some of the racist filth found on Halla-aho’s blog:
Nimimerkki “Old No. 7” kirjoittaa :
“Mikäs mies tuo Enriikke Tessieeri on olevinaan? En oikein tykästynyt miehen teksteihin, tuntui vähän siltä että näppäimistöön kajotessaan Enriquella on alkanut pyryttää pahemman kerran.
Eipä sillä, varmasti Suomessa on syrjintää, ryssävihaa, sovinismia ynnämuuta, mutta mitä sitten? Eikö niitä voitaisi jo laskea suomalaiseen kulttuuriin, on niistä niin kauan valitettu. Ja kun ne olisivat virallisesti meidän kulttuuriamme, voisimme vedota silmät vetistäen tiedostaviin tahoihin että meidän kulttuuriamme on suojeltava maahanmuuttajien vastaavalta. Se luultavasti toimisi….Ai ei?”
12. syyskuuta 2008 16:53:35
Username “Old No. 7” writes::
“Who is this Enriikke Tessieeri guy? I didn’t really like the man’s texts, it seemed a bit like Enrique was getting a bit pissed off when he touched the keyboard.
No matter, there is certainly discrimination, Russophobia, chauvinism and so on in Finland, but so what? Couldn’t such things already count as part of Finnish culture, since we have been complaining about them for so long? And when they are officially [accepted] a part of our culture, we could claim with a wink to those who know that our culture must be protected immigrants. That would probably work….wouldn’t it?”
September 12, 2008