Taw Reh Jokainen maahanmuuttaja oppii elämään kahden kulttuurin välillä. Joillekin se on helppoa, kun taas toiselle se on vaikeampi prosessi. Monella pakolaisilla ei kuitenkaan ole paljon valinnanvaraa: lähtö entisestä kotimaasta voi olla elämän ja kuoleman kysymys, jos maassa on sisällissota tai ihmisoikeuksia ei kunnioiteta. Suomi ottaa vuosittain 750 kiintiöpakolaista, mutta turvapaikanhakijoita saattaa olla paljon enemmänkin….
Month: May 2012
Syrjäytyneet Suomessa ja epäonnistumisen merkkiä
Meillä on hyvä yhteiskunta Suomessa mutta tämä väite tarvitsee toisen kysymyksen: kenelle? Kannustetaanko todella eri vähemmistöjen oikeuksia elää Suomessa tasavertaisena jäsenenä ja turvallisessa yhteiskunnassa? Mielestäni kansanedustaja (ps) Reijo Tossavaisen viimeisin blogikirjoitus, Somalien kokemuksia tutkitaan 0,6 milj. eurolla, edustaa sitä Suomea, joka syrjii sanoin toisia. Tossavainen väittää blogikirjoituksessa, että Suomen Akatemian tutkimushanke somaleista on turhaa, koska…
OAJ union: Teachers (and immigrants) should report hate speech and harassment cases to the police
Finland’s Trade Union of Education (OAJ) recommends that teachers should file a complaint to the police if they are victims of hate speech or harassment at school, reports Helsingin Sanomat, citing Finnish News Agency (STT). Should immigrants and visible minorities follow OAJ’s example if they are victims of racist harassment in public? Migrant Tales reported last…
Kouvolan Sanomat of Finland asks four people if they’d work for a foreign company
You’d think that most Finns know that their country is part of the globalized world…Well, almost everyone knows but there are just a few who haven’t figured it out. Kouvola Sanomat: Do you have anything against being hired by a foreign-owned company? Ville-Matti Ahola: “At the moment I am employed, but if I needed a job I’d…
Migrant Tales Literary: ???? ??? Dirty dream
By Dana ?????? ???? ?? ??? ? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ??? ? ?????? ??? The land where my tears fall is thundering and stormy My beautiful heart is now hard and rainy ??? ???? ??????? ??? ?? ?? ????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ????? ? ?? ???? ???…
Migrants’ Rights Network: Border controls against Greece? Be afraid – be very afraid……
By Don Flynn The sun has been brilliant over (most) of the UK for four whole days in a row and we are all extraordinarily happy. But if there’s an inkling of truth in the weekend’s news that emergency border control plans are being prepared against the arrival of Greek citizens, abandon hope for the…
Finland’s mini Breivik: gunman kills two and wounds seven
What motivates a young man to take the law in his own hands and kill indiscriminately defenseless people? While we still don’t know the motives behind the killings in Hyvinkää, the suspect’s “likes” on Facebook may offer us some clues. Writes YLE in English: ”Police in the town of Hyvinkää, some 50km north of Helsinki, say…
Migrant Tales Literary (26.5.2012): Before and After
Finland’s future recipe for success is based on social equality, mutual acceptance, respect and equal opportunities
Why would any political party seriously care about immigrants and their children if these newcomers form part of a fragmented group that has little political and economic power? Should they be concerned about high unemployment and ever-growing social inequality among such groups in Finland? Our success story as a society was never based on social…
University of Helsinki seeks research participants who are of Finnish descent and migrated to Finland as adults
Do you have Finnish roots and currently live in Finland, but were born and raised abroad? Participants are needed for a research study on people of Finnish descent who migrate to Finland in adulthood. In particular, those who have moved from Canada, the United States, Sweden and Russia are sought. If this sounds like you,…