A Perussuomalaiset (PS) party statement, giving Vaasa councilman Risto Helin a warning about a Hitler clock he gave to a neo-Nazi club in Vaasa, is a good example of political deception. If you read the statement carefully, it says that the party doesn’t mind racists, Nazis and neo-Nazis among its ranks as long as you do…
Month: March 2013
Risto Helin: The PS says it’s ok to hang around neo-Nazi groups
As Migrant Tales correctly predicted on Thursday, Vaasa Perussuomalaiset (PS) councilman Risto Helin got away with a warning from the party for giving a clock with Hitler to an anti-immigration neo-Nazi group, reports tabloid Ilta-Sanomat. The PS sends a loud and clear message with this decision: It’s ok to hang around neo-Nazi groups and even have the…
Jane Elliott’s blue eyes and brown eyes experiment in racism
After the death of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968, an elementary school teacher called Jane Elliott of Riceville, Iowa, carried out an experiment on her third-graders to demonstrate the destructive force that racism and discrimination unleashes. Since the small farming community had no blacks, she divided her students according to the color of their…
Steverp’s blog: It’s official….. Helsinki, here I come!
Comment: For those who have followed Stephen’s life know that he’s been longing to live near his child in Finland. This will now happen. We wish you the best of luck in your new life in Helsinki. Here are Stephen’s previous blog entries published on Migrant Tales: Where I need to be (hopefully with some…
What separates our counterjihadists from jihadists?
Anjem Choudary took part in a talk in Helsinki Thursday about freeing Muslim hostages. The Muslim cleric has said a lot of controversial things in the past like Islam will overrun Europe and that Prime Minister David Cameron and U.S. President Barack Obama should be killed. He’s even predicted that a “tsunami” of Muslim immigrants will sweep…
Finland’s and the PS’ three mentors: See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Speak No Evil
The latest scandal in the Perussuomalaiset (PS) party concerning a councilmen who gave a clock with Hitler and swastikas to a neo-Nazi club in Vaasa, is another worrying example of how low we have stooped as a nation since the April 2011 election. Contrary to what some populist anti-immigration politicians may claim, we are not…
The PS shamefully supports neo-Nazism with its silence
Finland is one of the few countries I know in Europe where you can openly support a neo-Nazi group and Nazism and be elected to city council. The only catch is that you belong to the Perussuomalaiset (PS) party and state that your are neither a racist nor a Nazi like Vaasa city councilman Risto…
If I were a cartoonist: Timo Soini, the mad political chemist
If I were a cartoonist is a new series that aims to inspire other readers with artistic talents to depict Finnish politicians as well as other national and international personalities for what they are. Migrant Tales would be more than happy to publish your work. Timo Soini: The mad political chemist. Here’s the idea: On April…
Council of Europe: No hate speech movement
This campaign, No hate Speech Movement, is long overdue and in great need. It’s a good matter that we are waking up to this menace even if politicians shamelessly play it down. The reason why hate speech exists is because we permit it. In Finland we have politicians who have been sentenced for hate speech….
Growing up in Finland as an immigrant – a personal story!
D4R is a regular poster in the comments on Migrant Tales. We are very grateful that he has shared some of his experiences of growing up and dealing with discrimination in Finland. Here is the first part of a long comment he made on one post, which deserves to be read by as many people…