Finns are nice people in general. Some are patient and like to give kooks an opportunity. They do so because they mistrust the establishment or want to confirm that their trust of the establishment is justified.
Month: October 2015
YLE A-studio: The PS reveals its anti-democratic credentials and loathing of press freedom
Watching Thursday’s A-Studio talk show gave a very disturbing picture of what the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* think about democracy and the role of the media in society. Researcher Markku Jokisipilä exposed with a diplomatic statement what is wrong with Finland when debating our ever-growing culturally and ethnically diverse society.
Pakolaisflipperi on peliä ihmishengillä
Kotimaa, isänmaa, synnyinmaa on lähes jokaiselle ihmiselle se maa, jossa hän haluaa elää ja lapsensa kasvattaa. Siellä on suku ja heimo, siellä ovat juuret. Neuvostoliiton hajotessa Suomessa oli suuri pelko, että miljoonat venäläiset alkavat valua rajan yli, lähteä Venäjän kurjista oloista hyötymään maamme rikkauksista. Eivät alkaneet, eivätkä ala, ihmiset elävät vaatimattomissakin oloissa, kunhan saavat elää…
Timo Soini’s Tynkkynen problem or Sebastian Tynkkynen’s Soini problem
Sebastian Tynkkynen is third vice president of the nationalist populist Perussuomalaiset (PS)* and chairman of its youth wing. Recently he’s been in the national spotlight and a thick thorn in Timo Soini’s side and a threat to party unity.
Helsingin Sanomat article on refugees is an exercise in stereotyping
One matter has always surprised me about Finnish journalists is how they stereotype and allow their own value judgements and prejudices get in the way of facts. A good example is a story by Jukka Harju who not only mistakenly claims that the first refugees came to Finland over 40 years ago but which nationality adapted the best in Finland.
Onko puolueiden allekirjoituksilla merkitystä?
Kun Suomen eduskuntapuolueet 14.10.2015 allekirjoittivat uudelleen edellisen kerran v. 2011 allekirjoitetun eurooppalaisten poliittisten puolueiden yhteisen rasisminvastaisen peruskirjan, eduskunnassa kuultiin kahdenlaista keskustelua. Kuultiin Nasima Razmyarin erinomainen keskustelunavaus sekä Petteri Orvon, Ozan Yanarin ja eräiden muiden kansanedustajien hyvät kannanotot. Mutta kuultiin myös omituisia heittoja siitä, että pitäisi määritellä, mitä se rasismi oikein on. Joku piti perussuomalaisten puoluetoimistoon…
UPDATE (October 25): Migrant Tales’ 2015 Hall of Poor and Sloppy Journalism
Migrant Tales’ 2015 Hall of Poor and Sloppy Journalism will be updated separately. To see other examples of opinionated journalism in Finland about cultural diversity, please go to this link. October 25 Ensimmäiset pakolaiset olleet Suomessa jo yli 40 vuotta – vietnamilaiset sopeutuivat, somalit kohtaisivat ennakkoluuloja (Helsingin Sanomat) What’s wrong with this story? For one the headline…
Kenyan insulted by racist Finnish woman: “You’re a f***ing African woman…”
How would you feel if a total stranger starts to insult you in public? Has it ever happened to you? When something like that happens you feel that you’ve been violated and torn to little shreds.
Why are racists in Finland racists?
It’s clear that racism derives also from low self-esteem apart from being a sinister tool to exclude other groups from gaining access to political, social and economic capital. Ever thought why those who are vocal about their racist views are such an active group? The answer is simple: In order to climb up a few miserable…
A note to asylum seekers coming here: Welcome to Finland!
Dear prospective Asylum Seeker, We want to welcome you to Finland! The Finnish foreign ministry and the government have launched a controversial social media campaign to deter refugees. The aim of the campaign is to tighten conditions for refugees in order to stem the influx of people seeking asylum in Finland. The reason is simple:…