Frances Webber Freedom of thought, expression and inquiry is under renewed threat from governments which, paradoxically, claim to be fighting to preserve freedom of expression in Europe. The ongoing case of a Belgian prison teacher issued with a work ban on national security grounds, and other disturbing cases of exclusion and criminalisation that have occurred…
Month: January 2015
Social media Frankensteins
Ever wondered how a wannabe becomes a social media hit by spreading hatred and racism? There are a lot of these types of politicians and characters around who with low budgets become famous and even get elected thanks to social media. They are called #SocialMediaFrankensteins. With the help of social media and many blind followers, some…
Former PS councilman Risto Helin is a key suspect in an aggravated pimping case
Does anyone remember councilman Risto Helin of the western Finnish city of Vaasa, who resigned from the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party in August 2013 after he became a suspect in an aggravated pimping case? Remember when the councilman who, among other things likes to wear white power blood & honor t-shirts, gave a Hitler clock to…
Pegida tries to get a foothold in Finland
Pegida, a self-proclaimed “anti-Islamization” movement, which saw its leader Lutz Bachmann bow out after he posted a picture where he impersonated Htiler, is trying to get a foothold in Finland. The movement, which has established a Facebook page in Finland with 1,800 likes, has spread from Germany to other Nordic countries like Denmark, Norway and…
Reija Härkönen: Vieläkö voi Suomen vaaleissa menestyä rasismilla ja vastakkainasettelulla?
Reija Härkönen Perussuomalaisille sana maahanmuuttopolitiikka tarkoittaa oman maan maahanmuuttajien jatkuvaa tarkkailua, juoruilua ja mustamaalausta. Yleensä mitään ratkaisevaa ei ilmene ja joudutaankin tyytymään ulkomaisiin kohu-uutisiin. Tom Packalénilla, perussuomalaisten poliisikansanedustajalla, oli viime syksynä kuitenkin onnenpäivät, kun itähelsinkiläiset syrjäytyneet lapset ja nuoret syyllistyivät törkeään katuväkivaltaan. Tuolloisen arveluttavan julkisen esiintymisen ja ”tiettyjen maahanmuuttajaryhmien” syyllistämisen jälkeen Packalén kutsuttiin Radio Helsinkiin…
FC Persia gets suspended by the Finnish Football Federation after players walk out of game in protest
FC Persia got suspended from the Finnish indoor football league for walking out in protest during the middle of a match on Sunday when it was playing against a team from Pori. FC Persia captain Omar Razaki was quoted as saying on Turun Sanomat that the players had had enough of poor and partial refereeing….
When will Finland change its suspicious views of migrants and cultural diversity?
Christian Thibault, chairman of Rasmus, told Migrant Tales a while back something significant about how matters change in Finland concerning migrants in this country. He said that the Finnish Football Federation wasn’t very active in providing referee courses in different languages. When they noticed that ere was a chronic shortage of referees, matters changed. In…
UPDATE (Jan. 24): Migrant Tales’ 2015 Hall of Fame of poor journalism
Migrant Tales’2015 Hall of Fame of poor journalism will be updated separately. To see other examples of opinionated journalism in Finland about cultural diversity, please go to this link. Jan. 24 Suomi ei vedä maahanmuuttajia (Helsingin Sanomat) What was left out? Today’s editorial on Helsingin Sanomat headlined, “Finland doesn’t attract migrants,” defends the country’s tightening of family…
YLE A-Studio: Let’s talk about stereotypes of Islam and jihadism
What was the message that Thursday’s YLE A-Studio program on jihadism attempted to convey with the help of background pictures in light of the Charlie Hebdo attack? Was it that Muslim women wear niqabs and that jihadists wear masks and are pissed off? Is that the underlying tone that YLE A-Studio want to convey to viewers about…
Reija Härkönen: Tehdäänpä perussuomalaiseen malliin tilastoista totta
Reijä Härkönen Hyvinkäällä oli vuodenvaihteessa asukkaita 46413, naapurikaupungissa Riihimäellä 29384. Vuosina 2013 – 2014 Riihimäellä sattui suojatieonnettomuuksia 13. Yksi niistä johti jalankulkijan kuolemaan. Samana ajanjaksona Hyvinkäällä sattui suojateillä myös 13 onnettomuutta, kuolonuhreja ei ollut. Mikä niitä hämäläisiä oikein vaivaa? Jos lasketaan suojatieonnettomuuksien määrä 1000 asukasta kohti, niin Riihimäellä autolla suojatietä ylittävien jalankulkijoiden ja pyöräilijöiden päälle…