Skanskan työmaalle Herttoniemenrantaan on ilmestynyt kyltti, jonka mukaan alueelle tulee moskeija. Oikeasti alueelle rakennetaan asuintaloja.
Month: January 2011
Finland’s immigration policy must look beyond Europe
One of the biggest challenges facing Finland in the next few decades will be defining what role immigrants will play in our society. Anti-immigration groups like the True Finns would like to place immigrants under a magnifying glass (see Nuiva campaign document) while other parties have taken more lukewarm stances.
Immigrant success stories in Finland (updated 30.1.11)
Migrant Tales will begin publishing short antecdotes of immigrants’ lives in Finland. Success can mean keeping one’s head above water in a very difficult labor and adverse political claimate that does not favor immigrants.
Please send your stories to [email protected].
Protests in Egypt grow as Mubarak feels the heat to leave
As I write these words the situation in Egypt may meant the downfall of Hossni Mubarak from power after 30 years. As a Latin American watching events in Tunisia in January and now in Egypt, I can only state that I side totally with the people of Egypt who have been ruled by authoritarian and corrupt governments. Which power is behind these unpopular governments? The United States.
Karjalainen: ”Ei sovi värivikaisille”-ilmoituksesta 645 euron sakot
Työvoimahallinnon nettisivustolle rasistiseksi katsotun työpaikkailmoituksen lähettänyt joensuulaisyrittäjä on saanut sakot työsyrjinnästä. Poliisi kirjoitti 44-vuotiaalle miehelle tämän lähettämästä ”ei sovi värivikaisille” -työpaikkailmoituksesta 15 päiväsakkoa. Kun yhden päiväsakon arvo miehen nettotuloilla on 43 euroa, kertyi maksettavaa 645 euroa.
YLE: Suomen valtio selvittelee anteeksipyynnön esittämistä saamelaisille
Uusi dokumenttielokuva paljastaa, miten saamelaisia suomalaistettiin kouluissa sotien jälkeen. Ohjaaja Anja Aholan elokuva on herättänyt keskustelua siitä, pitäisikö valtion pyytää anteeksi saamelaisten kohtelua. Oikeusministeriö tutkii asiaa parhaillaan.
Success stories of immigrants in Finland
Migrant Tales would be interested in publishing cases of immigrants and refugees that have succeeded and adapted well to Finland. There are many cases out there and we’d like to hear your story. Why? Because your example would take steam off anti-immigrant parties like the True Finns and other ones who only see red when you mention the word maahanmuuttaja.
Svenska YLE: Utvisningen av albanska familjen skjuts upp – igen
Utvisningen av en albansk familj som har sökt asyl i Finland skjuts upp. Familjen skulle utvisas idag, tisdag, men förvaltningsdomstolen ansåg att fallet måste utredas ytterligare.
Migrants’ Rights Network: Human Rights Court rules that asylum seekers cannot be sent to Greece
The European Court of Human Rights ruled last week in the case of M.S.S. v Belgium and Greece. It found that the Belgian authorities had violated the rights of asylum seeker M.S.S., and an Afghan national by sending him to Greece using the Dublin II regulation. This in effect means that asylum seekers from the UK cannot be returned to Greece under the Dublin regulation.
HRHN: In Norway, one ”illegal” immigrant’s case stand for thousands
“A police crackdown on a lone woman in the shelter of the dark: Is this the kind of Norway that we want?” asks Bjørn Engesland, Secretary General of Norwegian Helsinki Committee.