Comment: This story published in Svenska YLE tells about an administrative court ruling that stopped the deportation of an Albanian family in Turku. The European Union’s asylum policy is already on shaky ground especially after it was given a blow yesterday by the European Court of Human Rights decision, which ruled that an Afghan refugee could not be sent to Greece. Are some courts and institutions like the church taking action against inaction?
Greece and other countries like Italy and Malta are examples of how little the European Union and governments want to deal with the ever-growing number of asylum-seekers.
Do you agree?
Utvisningen av en albansk familj som har sökt asyl i Finland skjuts upp. Familjen skulle utvisas idag, tisdag, men förvaltningsdomstolen ansåg att fallet måste utredas ytterligare.
Utredningen pågår i minst ett halvt år.
Familjen bor i Åbo och har sökt hjälp av Mikaels församling, som anser att familjen utsätts för livsfara om de utvisas tillbaka till Albanien.
Fadern i familjen jobbade som polischef i sitt hemland och bekämpade bland annat människohandel och narkotikasmuggling. Han sades ändå upp från tjänsten då han vägrade ta emot mutor.
Hela familjen har utsatts för hot och mordförsök, men enligt Migrationsverket är hoten ändå ingen grund för att ge uppehållstillstånd för familjen.
“Do you agree?”
I do. They way many European governments are handle this problem is an absurd. Keep sending this burden to the Southern countries is not only unfair but highly irresponsible.
All the European governments should join forces and give Greece and Italy financial and political support to start deporting the people back as soon as possible.
It’s well know that with the influx of refugees, particularly from Muslim countries, criminality, weapon and drug smuggling and terrorism grown exponentially making it a threat our national security, that being said, the governments should request NATO help patrolling the Mediterranean border.
As Thors had said last year, when cutting the disco money for refuges, “the word travels fast”…
Yep, it works. The left may scream and shout as much as they want, but it does work…
“The number of offence reports submitted to the police in 2010 decreased by 4,000 in comparison to 2009…partially due to effective police action against professional criminals from abroad.”
Yes, it does work but there is still so much to be done.
You do realise that the story you posted:
has nothing to do with immigrants or refugees in Finland?Let alone those of Muslim faith.
According to your logic all those forigners who come here to work and contribute to the Finnish economy will also have to be sent away at the gate. I am sorry but this is a very short minded and small view of basic society., especially taking into account Finland tiny size and reletive power among the domestic population. What I mean is that Finns need these foreigners to help them be stronger in the economic world. Dont forget that in a hurry.
“According to your logic all those forigners who come here to work and contribute to the Finnish economy will also have to be sent away at the gate.”
No, only those who are a burden to the Finnish society. Skilled workers who can adapt/integrate/assimilate into the Finnish society are a positive immigration and should be welcomed. For me there not immigrants but good and bad group of immigrants.
Skilled workers who can adapt/integrate/assimilate into the Finnish society…
-After all your years in Finland Tony 🙂
Do you think it is important for Finns to adapt/integrate/assimilate related to immgrants?
“Do you think it is important for Finns to adapt/integrate/assimilate related to immgrants?”
No, I think this is the immigrant’s job, Finns should accept (and most do) that there are immigrants around with the same (not more) rights and obligation than the Finns.
In my opinion the clashes starts when immigrants fail to acknowledge that they have moved to a new country and things in there are done in a different way. Those immigrants who do acknowledge this fact usually succeed in their lives.
–No, I think this is the immigrant’s job, Finns should accept (and most do) that there are immigrants around with the same (not more) rights and obligation than the Finns.
This line of thinking explains why we have so many problems on this front. If you read and are familiar with out laws, our societies are not constructed that way. It is a two-way force. Parties like the True Finns, for example the Nuiva statement, is a perfect example. Thank you for highlighting a big problem where a lot of work has to be done.
Is interaction not a two way street with benefits for both sides?
Your arguement is quite short sighted. But that is my opinion.
The majority of Immigrants have so much to offer but it is also important for Finns to adapt/integrate/assimilate so they can fully exploit this human capital.
So is it you dont live in Finland?Sorry I am quite new here…
William I think there is a difference between interaction and assimilation. Finns should do their best to interact with foreigners (and they do), but it’s the immigrant’s obligation to assimilate into the main culture.
One good example is gender discrimination. In Finland this is not only wrong but illegal, however in some countries this is legally, culturally and morally accepted. So immigrants coming from those countries should realized that even though this an important part of their culture once they moved to Finland they should understand that things are now different.
Another case is underage marriage. The same goes to women freedom to wear whatever they want and marriage to whoever they wish, without the father’s interference.
About myself, I was born in Brazil, have a Spanish father and Italian mother. Married to a Finnish woman with two Finnish children. Lived in Finland for years where I worked as a senior engineer. About 4 years ago we moved to Ireland due an very generous job offer and the whish to give our children good English language. Now we are probably back there before the summer.
Tony, do you think it would be a good idea to debate thoroughly the stance of the True Finns on immigration and their role in Finland? Apart from the Nuiva document, do you have any other official information on their policy and on different issues. I was thinking of writing a story on this so we could discuss it. Is it workable and why?
Enrique, honestly I don’t know. What would you achieved with this? First, I don’t think a party with about 16% of votes can really have enough political power to put in place any of its policies.
Second, why are some many people supporting the True Finns? Well I obviously can’t talk on behave of 16% of the Finns but I’m with a group of about 25 guys, 3 here in Ireland and the rest in Tampere, who are “supporting” the True Finns only to give the main parties a fright. We believe that Finland just can’t go down the same way Sweden did and it’s still time to prevent this. People just have to shout and the ballot box is the best place for it.
I think Nuiva summarize their policies pretty well. Pro skilled work immigrants and against asylum seekers and illiterate immigrants. Pro assimilation and against multiculturalism. Policies witch I do agree 100%.
How to achieve this? Ease, these people will always look for greener grass. The decision from the swimming pool in Espo to stop Muslims only swimming time is a step in the right direction. The same goes for the Gym in Espo forbidding Muslims to pray in their dressing rooms.
It clearly sends the message that is you want to live in Rome… Or just go to live somewhere else. Many will.
So we just need the right environment, tougher policies when handling asylum applications and family reunification, and quick deportation of criminals, bogus asylum seekers, illegals and terrorists. And we don’t need to True Finns to delivery that, the main parties can very well do it.
Tony, can you tell us why do you ask others to assimilate if you have not assimilated yourself while you have lived in Finland for years?
-‘First, I don’t think a party with about 16% of votes can really have enough political power to put in place any of its policies.’
Tony while that may be true if a party was standing on it’s own, 16% is a large enough to form an alliance with another bigger party to form a coalition government where some of their policies could be implemented. For instance in Denmark the Danish People’s Party only had 13.9% share of the vote in the last election but were part of a coalition government with their policies on immigration being used, greatly reducing admission into the country. So it’s possible that the True Finns could play a similar role.
You have a good point there Klay…
Hey Tony, can you answer me why you have not assimilated yet even so you have lived for years in Finland?
Tony the Toby blithers on…
And you’re clearly too thick to perceive the massive hypocrisy in your formula for successful immigration, eh Toby? Your family assimilated so effectively (brown-nosing the Brazilian military Junta, etc.) that you debunked and headed for Europe at the first opportunity. You not only then failed to learn the main language or appreciate the fundamentally collective values of Finland, but you also deliberately damaged the prospects of your children ever doing so. You admire Finnish gender equality so much that your entire family has to follow YOUR employment opportunities and are not even consulted about what THEY want.
A tolerant and culturally diverse Finland is an essential condition for the future welfare and happiness of your children, so obviously you campaign to maximise exclusion and xenophobia.
Oh well, you will have years of lonely old age to reflect on your mistakes.