Almost two days have elapsed since the Oulu mosque was the target of vandalism. Did you read from any government minister expressed concern about what happened? What about the City of Oulu, which has labelled all asylum seekers as potential sex offenders by banning such people from visiting child care centers and schools?
Month: February 2019
Oulu mosque vandalized for the ninth time
The Oulu mosque was vandalized Tuesday for the ninth time since September 2017, according to Dr Abul Mannan, who heads the Islamic Society of Northern Finland. The police said in a statement the attack took place at 5:10 am when a suspect smashed a window with a bike rack and threw a smoke grenade inside the premises. The fire department was called as well.
Oulu’s knee-jerk reaction to the sexual assault crimes will do a lot of harm to the city’s image. Blame the media, police, politicians.
The question Migrant Tales asked a while back if the City of Oulu’s decision to ban visits by asylum seekers to child care centers and schools is legal. Can you ban a single group, in this case, asylum seekers, from visiting such places? As far as how the law works in Finland, the ban should…
Sampo Terho says clean up the mess his party created thanks to tighter asylum laws
What is the difference between the far-right Perussuomalaiset (PS)* and Blue Reform party? With respect to racism, the PS is definitely with gusto while Blue Reform is gusto with a tie. Both are racist parties that aim to undermine migrants, minorities and Others from having a greater voice in Finland.
Suojeleeko Antti Häkkänen lapsia vai ministerin salkkua?
Alaikäisten avioliitot kielletään vihdoin Suomessa. Asia on oikea, mutta tapa, jolla oikeusministeri Häkkänen markkinoi lainvalmistelua itselleen vaaliaseeksi, on vastenmielinen. Kun Häkkänen sopivasti näin vaalien alla kehaisee Twitterissä: ”Aloittaessani oikeusministerinä pöydälleni tuotiin alaikäisten tyttöjen hakemuksia avioliittoon. Pidin tätä maan tapaa vääränä ja käynnistin lainvalmistelun, jolla alaikäisten avioliitot kielletään Suomessa. Lapsia on suojeltava. @kokoomus”, Keskustan Aila Paloniemi…
February 2018-2019: How a Pakistani family in Finland encountered and defied hate
A year has elapsed since Rashid H., a Pakistani migrant, was brutally attacked by three white Finnish youths in Vantaa on a Friday, February 23. The attack not only changed Rashid’s and his family’s life permanently, what happened also spread fear in the Pakistani community of Finland.
WARNING: RACIST CONTENT – Halla-aho announces that anti-immigration will be the PS’ main campaign theme
With parliamentary elections a heartbeat away on April 14, the populist far-right Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party announced that anti-immigration will be their main campaign theme. Are we surprised? Not in the bit. PS Chairperson Jussi Halla-aho was quoted as saying in Yle that at the present rate, Finland’s immigration policy will destroy present levels of social welfare, undermine…
Ulos Suomesta miesten raiskaustaipumus!
Kokoomuslainen sisäministeri on tänään järjestänyt tiedotustilaisuuden, jossa kerrotaan, kuinka seksuaalirikoksia ja maahanmuuttoa aletaan tomerasti käsitellä, jos Kokoomus on vaalien jälkeen hallituksessa. Maahanmuutto ja seksuaalirikokset kun ovat itse asiassa ihan sama asia. Rajat auki ja seksuaalirikollinen puikahtaa sisään. Kokoomuksen, Keskustan ja muuntopersujen ehdotukset ovat kuitenkin täysin vaillinaisia ja Jussi Halla-ahonkin mielestä vain yritys näin vaalien alla…
Ku Klux Klan in the US, Perussuomalaiset in Finland
The editorial below by the Alabama-based Democrat-Reporter, calling on the Ku Klux Klan “to ride again” and lynch Democrats, was not published in the last century but in 2019. This editorial is a good example that the United States is a racist country and has done too little to eradicate this social ill.
Finland’s elederly care scandal is a symptom of a wider problem: lack of regulation
The scandal facing elderly care homes under the management of stock-owned companies such as Atendo, Eperi Care and Mehiläinen points to one issue: Lack of effective regulation. How can, for example, Filipino employees at these establishments be exploited? The answer: Lack of effective regulation.