Anders Breivik committed a horrendous act six years ago on July 22. While anti-immigration groups want us to forget what happened, we can never forget. Breivik is the smoking gun that proves that those that preach hatred have the potential to spread fear and death.
One must ask what the end-game of those that spread racial, ethnic and cultural hatred is? We have many examples but, like what Breivik did six years ago, society and some politicians want to forget. Every time we forget, we edge closer to the peak of the hate pyramid where hatred has the potential of turning into genocide.
What can one person do?
We can do a lot to prevent the likes of Breivik and his fanatical followers from taking us on the same path of our moral demise as a society.
Thank you, Jori Eskolin for the imaginary interview you did with “Haura Luhtasaari,” who must be Perussuomalaiset* Vice President Laura Huhtasaari.
UPDATED at 0.45: Isn’t it odd that the fired bus driver Gleb Simanov chose to protest against his former employer Nobina and the racist videos he posted without permission the day when Breivik murdered in cold blood 77 people? Lack of history or not having a clue or both?
Taking into account that very little was posted on social media about the demonstration, it must have been a flop.
2016: Five years after 22/7 the Nordic region continues to bleed hatred
2015: Let’s (not) forget 22/7 and Anders Breivik
2014: Anders Breivik: Three years after the horror of 22/7 in Norway
2013: Migrant Tales (July 22, 2012): What have we learned after Norway’s 22/7?
2012: What have we learned after Norway’s 22/7?
2011: Breivik, Europe’s counter-jihadist mass killer, gets at least 21 years
* After the Perussuomalaiset (PS) party imploded on June 13 into two factions, the PS and New Alternative, which is now called Blue Reform. Despite the name changes, we believe that it is the same party in different clothing. Both factions are hostile to cultural diversity. One is more open about it while the other is more diplomatic.
A direct translation of Perussuomalaiset in English would be something like “basic” or “fundamental Finn.” Official translations of the Finnish name of the party, such as Finns Party or True Finns, promote in our opinion nativist nationalism and racism. We, therefore, at Migrant Tales prefer to use in our postings the Finnish name of the party once and after that the acronym PS