Gleb Simanov, the fired bus driver who thought it was a good idea to post racist videos of his customers and published them on a far-right website managed by Paavo Tajukangas (a fake name), is a perfect example of cowardice and bravado.
When the chips are down, racists and their followers run and hide. They rarely come to each other’s rescue.
After Simanov got fired Thursday, the former bus driver has appeared on populist and far-right social media platforms. He gives his account of what happened but conveniently forgets to tell us why the bus company sacked him for “inappropriate and racist behavior.” There is no mention of his ill treatment of Somalis on his bus and that he calls them liars, among other things, without a shred of proof.
He gives his account of events but conveniently forgets to tell us why the bus company sacked him for “inappropriate and racist behavior.” He makes no mention of the ill treatment of Somalis on his bus and that he caleds them liars, among other things, without a shred of proof.
One young Somali woman wanted to pay for the fare, but Simanov kicked her off the bus with her friend calling her a liar.
Simanov’s arguments are nothing more than red herrings. He uses Somalis, who allegedly want to bum a ride without offering any proof of his claims, as a pretext to expose his hatred for them. It is a common far-right strategy.
Who is “Paavo Tajukangas?”
There is another person who is trying to hide for cover by washing his hands of what happened. I wouldn’t be surprised if he and Simanov planned the whole thing that got the bus driver fired. Simanov videotaped and Tajukangas published them – and later took them down – on his blog and YouTube.
The fact that aka “Tajukangas” states that “we” took them down from his blog and YouTube is pretty revealing.
Tajukangas says that he’s not a member of Suomen Sisu, a far right white supremacist association, or belongs to either the political right or left.
Let’s give, if we can, Tajukangas the benefit of the doubt. What do the two pictures and links to a neo-Nazi association below reveal about himself?
You be the judge.
“Paavo Tajukangas” speaking at a Suomen Sisu event. He claims he’s not a member of Suomen Sisu. Note the sunglasses. Source: YouTube.
If the picture and video don’t speak volumes about his far-right ideology, what does the picture below tell us?
Uups! Who do we see in the chart titled ? “Paavo Tajukangas” again with other far-right heavyweights showing their links to neo-Nazi groups like Suomen Vastarintaliike. A coincidence? Source: Kaivuri.
Let’s make believe that all of the above is fake news, ok?
If Tajukangas is a member and/or sympathizes with groups like the neo-Nazi Suomen Vastarintaliike, why does he have a podcast and publishes in such neo-Nazi websites and other trashy ones like MV-lehti?
Who is “Paavo Tajukangas? A troll.”
According to a story by YLE, Tajukangas, who usually appears with sunglasses or a cap when in public, is a troll living in Sweden that wants spreads fake news about our culturally and ethnically diverse community.
Writes YLE: “…His real name is not known. When I called him he presented himself with another fake name and claimed to be a freelance journalist who wants to debate fake news…Tajukangas has lived the past years in Sweden but moved his blog to Estonia. He has written on his blog as well as more about exaggerated or fake news about Swedish refugees and immigration policy.”
At the end, “Tajukangas” states in a rebuttal to Migrant Tales that I’m right about him wanting “to keep Finland white.”
Thank you for revealing and confirming what we wrote about you.