As Finland celebrates today its 95th anniversary as an independent nation, the noble values of acceptance, respect and inclusion should resonate in the Finnish expat community and in this country, from Helsinki all the way north to Ohcejohka (Utsjoki). What is the big picture we should strive for as a society in this century? English…
Month: December 2012
Husein Muhammed: Saako sitä jouluna juhlia?
Husein Muhammed* pohtii kolumnissaan sitä, ketkä oikein haluavatkaan kristilliset perinteet pois koulujen joulujuhlista. Jos viime vuosien perusteella jotain voi jouluajan uutisoinnista päätellä, kohta koko keltainen lehdistö seuraa haukkana, missä koulussa on jätetty jokin osa joulujuhlista väliin. Jo lokakuun kunnallisvaaleissa eräs pääkaupungissa läpimennyt ehdokas julisti valtakunnan ykköslehdessä: “Joulu tulee, myös kouluihin – vietetään se meidän tavallamme.”…
Exposición de Colonia Finlandesa, Argentina
Esta exposición sobre la Colonia Finlandesa, Argentina, fue expuesta en las ciudades finlandesas de Kitee, Helsinki, Peräseinäjoki, Mikkeli, Tampere y Turku entre 2007 y 2010. La colonización finlandesa nace en 1906, cuando Arthur Thesleff lleva un grupo de ciento y pico de finlandeses a colonizar las selvas de Misiones en el noreste argentino. Los inmigrantes…
Racism Review: Idolizing Thomas Jefferson, Brutal Slaveholder and Racist Thinker
By Joe Law professor Paul Finkelman has an important commentary piece in the New York Times on two recent books on the “democratic” icon and famous founder Thomas Jefferson. Much of what most Americans believe about Jefferson’s everyday life in regard to racial matters is fictional or distorted in the direction of our “good” founders…
Salolainen’s comment about USAmerican Jews exposes a wider problem in Finland
National Coalition Party MP Pertti Salolainen got himself in hot water Saturday due to a comment he made on YLE Aamu TV morning talk show about USAmerican Jews, reports Helsingin Sanomat. The vice chairman of the foreign policy committee said that American Jews have vast control over the wealth and media in the United States. As…
When the state and regulations scheme to make life difficult for immigrants
The lives of stateless persons in Finland isn’t easy by a long shot. On the one hand we want newcomers to adapt to our society but deny them a basic right like opening a bank account. Think for a moment how complicated life would be without a bank account. If you are a stateless person…