I had an interesting discussion on Saturday with a Perussuomalaiset (PS) candidate for Mikkeli city council. The woman, who claimed that her mother is Russian, stressed that the PS strives to look after everyone’s interests in Finland, including that of immigrants. Good news. Even if such views are hard to find in the PS, they…
Month: September 2012
La prórroga: Valiente el que vuelve a su país
Zulma Sierra Después de la presentación del corto ‘Viaje de vuelta’ en Casa América Catalunya, se generó un debate interesante sobre elretorno de los migrantes a sus países de origen. ¿Es una respuesta fácil a la crisis económica de España? ¿Son cobardes o son valientes los retornados? ¿Y por qué no se plantea un documental sobre los…
YLE poll: PS seen as big winner of the Finnish municipal elections
YLE’s latest poll published Thursday shows the Perussuomalaiset (PS) Party will be the biggest winner of the October 29 municipal elections. The poll sees the PS getting 17.2% of the votes versus 5.4% in 2008. The poll predicts the Center Party as the biggest loser of the election with 15.9% versus 20.1%. The National Coalition…
PS candidate: Vote for me and I will solve the refugee problem from Africa with rice
“Stereotypes have some truth to them” has some truth to it but not in the way people think. That truth is not about the stereotyped but the stereotyper. Julian Abagond Migrant Tales has warned about how anti-immigration parties like the Perussuomalaiset (PS) have launched a vicious campaign against immigrants and visible minorities. The attacks are…
Double standards and press freedom in Europe hinge on which group you belong to
What difference is there in banning paparazzi pictures of Prince William’s wife Catherine sunbathing topless in the south of France and cartoons insulting Muhammed? Certainly, some may argue that Catherine will be the next queen of England, right? Wrong. Why the double standards? Is it because Catherine is a white European belonging to the royal family…
Feeding Somalis and poor immigrants to the loan sharks of Finland
Migrant Tales wrote in May about the high cost, hassle and red tape some Somalis face to bring their relatives to Finland. Since it appears that the aim of the immigration authorities and politicians is to make family reunification as expensive and difficult as possible, some immigrants are being fed to the loan sharks as…
How offensive is “Innocence of Muslims?”
A few scenes from Innocence of Muslims was enough for me to understand that free speech not only gives you the opportunity to make a horse’s ass out of yourself, but declare war on a religious group that ended costing the lives of USAmerican citizens in Libya. The stance of the Finnish Islamic Council (SINE) concerning…
Journalistiliitto: Maahanmuutto, media ja monikulttuurisuus -seminaari 12.10.2012
Aika: 12.10.2012 Paikka: Helsinki Osoite: Takniskan Salit, Eerikinkatu 2, 6.krs, 00100 Helsinki Miten uussuomalaiset journalistit työllistyvät suomalaiseen mediaan? Millaisia hankkeita on kehitetty ja mitä uutta on vireillä? Miten toimitusten pomot suhtautuvat monikulttuurisuuteen ja uussuomalaisten journalistien työllistämiseen? Maahanmuuttovirasto – edestä ja takaa! Näitäkin aiheita pohditaan SJL:n seminaarissa, jonka alustajiksi ovat tähän mennessä lupautuneet Polina Kopylova (Suomen…
ENAR: Hate crime victims finally recognised with European Parliament vote
Comment: Without a doubt, this is an important piece of legislation by the European Parliament, which will require EU states to systematically collect data on hate crimes. Even if the Finnish police collects such data, reporting hate crimes to the police may be more complicated for an immigrant than meets the eye. The key question…
Racism, Counterjihadism and neo-Nazism sit well with the PS
I thought I had heard some lame excuses from the Perussuomalaiset (PS) party, but I was wrong. Risto Helin, a PS city council candidate for Vaasa, beat all those before him hands down. On his Facebook page, Helin is wearing a blood-and-honor t-shirt. He claims that it was purchased about ten years ago but didn’t…