If you are a Finn, what is a Fonn?
Was your flag blue and white, or was it lilac and yellow?
Sorry, what was that again? Sano säki mua suks?
Or was it san snää mnuu snuuks?
So who hates who in this mnuu snuu, I wonder?
So, I am the maahanmuuttaja.
There is only one of us, after all. — Ha, you wish!
I am a mover of countries, apparently!
I see that my country certainly moved with me!
Was I a ulkomaalainen! Or was I a tulokaslaji?
A Finn…
sweats to get clean
swims in ice to get warm
drinks vodka to get thirsty
stays silent to communicate
Still, it’s not all contradictions.
Finns sleep. Finns clean their teeth. Finns talk (yes they do!).
Finns laugh. Finns smile. Finns walk (oh, and Finns pooh!).
You know, people from Finland (or was that Funland?).
You know, where the cocks crow a bit funny, like “cock-a-coockle-coo”
You know, not Swedes. Oh, but wait, some of them speak Swedish, too!
Tree lovers. True lovers. Nature lovers. Lake lovers. Because love is quite unique to Finland, don’t you know!
Because F comes before G, and I comes after H, and N comes after M and oh, that, once again, and then S comes before T. And then, finally, we’re done.
Because there is something extra special about Suomi.
Sacred, even!
So if you are a Finn. What am I, then? What am I to you?
Someone else, not a Finn, not so lucky, perhaps?
Not kin, to a Finn. But born into a dustbin. Just, someone “…from somewhere else!”
Do the birds in Finland know that they are Finnish?
That they are special?
Why not? – someone should tell them. Hey, suomalainen lintu – kuuntele!
Sä oot erityinen!
Every one of you! And the worms you eat, too.
All special. Loveable. Valuable.
Cos your Finnish.
I’m not a Finn.
I guess that means I’m finished.
My appalsue ho hooo…. not for Finns for YOUuuu
Finn Finn find a mean
I am a foreigner…. you for me too
My ghost is a white boo…. your ghost is white too
So lets sing a song for boo boo, boo boo… know that i have a red blood like youuu
You hate me oh boo… but you dont know me in true
Come on get happy ….we both have a boo
Booland or Finland…Finland be meanland
Dont be a hurtland…dont throw me sand
Give me your hand now…. be my friend/love
Can you be my friend??? If not then dont blame
Let me touch your heart… share me your good part
I cant dance a walts…. but i can sing songs
You cant understand my song
If u get me wrong
Am joking to you
we are happy boo
boo boo boo booooo
Good evening Mark, i wish a happy life for you and all people on MT
boo booo 🙂
Thank you Dana! For your poetic repost, as well. 🙂