In a bar in Lappila, located some 20 km from the city of Lahti, there is a sign on the wall the epitomizes all the hatred and mass murder committed by the Nazis: Arbeit Macht Frei (Work Sets you Free).
Why hasn’t any newspaper asked the owner of the bar, Juha Koskinen, if he will take down the Nazi sign? Migrant Tales has called numerous times. Koskinen does not answer the phone return calls.
This notorious slogan stood at the entrance of death camps like Auschwitz and Dachau.
In Finland, there is a lot of neo-Nazi sentiment these days. So much so, in fact, that small bars in small towns can place Nazi-era signs with near-impunity.
What can you expect in a country where the biggest party in the polls has sympathies and ties with neo-Nazi groups.

See the original tweet here.
Steen Pramming summarizes why Nazi sympathies are still found in Finland these days, even if this country signed the armistice with the former Soviet Union in September 1944.

Just like Islamophobia and racism, our education system has failed in ridding our society of these social ills.
Finland tries to put itself as a special case, when, in fact, it wasn’t. We did not fight a separate war against the Soviet Union but were up to our necks in World War 2 and allied with Nazi Germany.
It was only this year when Finland finally acknowledged that Finnish SS recruits took part in the Holocaust in Russia.
We are making progress as a nation but slowly.