By Enrique Tessieri
Thanks to a tip off, Migrant Tales correctly reported that the older woman who was attacked and beaten, allegedly by a group of white Finns, at Myllypuro metro station in Helsinki on Wednesday was a Somali. The woman suffered injuries to the face and was taken to hospital by ambulance.
These types of attacks, now apparently made by young men on older women, are an indication of the violence that some immigrants suffer in Finland.
Migrant Tales earlier reported three deaths of Muslims over a span of about three weeks. A Perussuomalaiset (PS) councilman, Tommi Rautio, boasted on Facebook that he would decorate the white Finnish male who killed the third victim and seriously wounded another before taking his own life in a pizzeria in Oulu.
Migrant Tales believes that attacks of the kind seen in Helsinki are the tip of the iceberg, even though the police reported that hate crimes had fallen by 15% in 2010 compared with the previous year.
The low number of reported hate crimes could be interpreted as a vote of little to no confidence in the police from certain immigrant groups.
Well, i guess P.S party is responsible for this poor womans assault by these racist P.S youths, i don’t blame these youths, their mind was poisoned by some P.S politicians who’re sitting comfortable and fat pocketed in the parliamanent for what? for inciting hatecrime against poor imigrants, the ones who’re vicible, the Africans or Middle easterns.
D4R, we don’t know if the attackers are PS members but we can suggest that some have been emboldened thanks to the PS. The only way this will end is when the PS goes back to where it came from: being a small party.
We should remember that the PS is only one manifestation of the racism and xenophobia that exists in Finland. Without a doubt, they used these social ills to gain power. That is why the PS is a menace to Finland. Racism is a more far-reaching ill than just meets the eye.
You’re right M.T, i made a mistake for blaming P.S of this poor womans attack, but for sure i blame them for poluting young people minds against poor immigrants. They have been putting out all ind of distorted lies about immigrants that, native Finns did really buy thoe lies and started to believe in, and now they’re out there attacking poor innocent people who have already hard life with their lives.
I followed up the story of the attack of the older Somali woman. The criminals were not young men but two middle aged men and older one, intially they tried to rape the women but she struggled and resist agaist them. Then impotent and dysfunctional men began to beat her badly. But I surprised why the police and media hided the identity of the women and crimal too, surely if the criminals were Somalis or other foreigners this news of the older woman would be splashed the headlines of every news in Finland. Eventually, it is an older woman from East Africa who requested protection from Finns but was assaulted.
Hi Akaaro, MT, all
Thanks for information
“But I surprised why the police and media hided the identity of the women and crimal too, surely if the criminals were Somalis or other foreigners this news of the older woman would be splashed the headlines of every news in Finland. Eventually, it is an older woman from East Africa who requested protection from Finns but was assaulted.”
Actually you are wrong. Even in the recent rape of underage girls by two somalis, media never revealed the backgrounds. It was revealed from the court order.
So please get your facts straight before blaming!
Farang. It was revealed from the court order, quoted.
May be I am wrong some how if I blamed Finns, who don’t like to be blamed but like to use as scapegoat for foreigners. But why Finn criminals were not revealed from the court orders as other minority groups. Farang, honestly speaking, have you seen or heard any court talking about killings and assaulting Somalis here. Look the cold-blooded killing in Oulu or Espoo and some others that happened before. They drag the cases for years and ended up with nothing and sadness that victims go through. Don’t think that i am saying every finn is bad but actually, they dont have reasonable leaders those can solve the social ills but they are motivating the crimes.
Cold-blooded killings happen every now and then. But you are interested only of those cases where victim is immigrant and killer is white Finn. That tells pretty much about you.
You are wrong about court orders too. They are revealing also finnish criminals names, if for some reason they are not classified as secret. In this somali rape case the rapists or their lawyers didn’t request their names to be classified, that’s why they became public.
What is the social ill that needs to be solved? Racism is very marginal problem in Finland, there is not much if any that can be done to it by the leaders. If you are honest to yourself, you understand this perfectly.
And what bullshit is that last sentece: “they are motivating the crimes”?
This is my own own experience,
Am talking about me not other foreigners or Finns, its what happened to me
So please understand me, if not am not balming u and dont ask me what happened and why?
Court in Finland was injustice, and very cruel against me,
They thought i cant see thier racist act againt me because am foreigner?
HO HO HO HO, am foreigner but dont foregt am very intelligent.
So u please dont think that court, judge and police are law, they can break human rights easily specially when they have these jobs, and no/one has right ask them why r u doing like this?
They wanted punish me, but they made me more strength.
I dont need u punishing me, U ALL KNOW THAT, life is not a kindergarden, i was not and am not ur kid, u cant make me silent neveeeeeer.
Have a good time MT and dear all
This comment fell short of our community standards and was deleted by a moderator. Replies may also be deleted.
RL 11:10
Eihannu Hi
Say somethings else, no more idea?
“Cold-blooded killings happen every now and then”.
I didn’t expect any intelligence from you. Nowhere you have shown even the slightest level. See your discussion with JD on generalizations.
But this is the lowest I hope you can get. No respect even for the victims.
Your intelligence -if any- is in the lower parts of your body.
I already won one bet aboutt the reactions of Toni. Make me happy again. That’ the best thing ever.
eyeopener, you are either ignorant or just trying to be on purpose.
If I state a fact, that cold blooded killings happen every now and then, that has nothing to do with respecting the victims. How can anyone make that kind of connection?
Farang And what bullshit is that last sentece: “they are motivating the crimes”?
If you asked what i meant,politically motivated crimes in Finland. is what Helena Eronen , Rautio , PS and some other Finn political parties barking as their dogs often do.
enrique can you tell me what exactly what against your rules, it was stats and news withouth anything added. [email protected]
I can’t even qualify you are ignorant. That would be too much of honour.
You don’t know what respect is. “Gutter butter” is the slimest word I can finbd to qualify your behavior, attitude and your being in the world.
A disaster for Finland!!
Question: If I don’t respect a person when he’s alive, why should I respect him when he’s dead? Considering that I don’t even know the person and I have never even seen him?
The moderator gave you a clear reference: RL 11:10
That is section 10 of chapter 11 of the Finnish Penal Code.
You will have to review your message to see why it fell foul of this statute, but please note that MT cannot host illegal content.
I’m afraid it’s that pesky Finnish Penal Code again. Subsection 3 of section 9 of chapter 24:
Yes. Finland has even made speaking ill of the dead a criminal offence. 😀
However, you might like to check out subsection 2 of the same statute. Hitler and Stalin are still fair game.
Farang. You are a disaster for Finland. Don’t you get it? Probably not because in your skull there is just some mass that looks like brains. However. It is Italian pasta of the worst quality.
Farang: Question: If I don’t respect a person when he’s alive, why should I respect him when he’s dead? Considering that I don’t even know the person and I have never even seen him
I don’t think you even have respect for yourself, forget about having one for others, must be challenging to be.
Must be challenging to be you Farang.
whats this? [email protected]
justicedemon so its illegall to tell to akaaro who claims that finns kills somalis public information what can be found online and also public information about how police sees information about last killing.
Link page 17 and 18 Tutkinnanjohtaja kieltää rasistisen motiivin ja sanoo, että somaliyhteisö itse aiheuttaa rotuvihaa lietsoessaan perättömiä huhuja surmatyöstä.
Your comment was obviously removed because it defamed a population group. That’s the meaning of RL 11:10. You must look at your comment and compare it with the stated provision of the Finnish Penal Code. Consult a lawyer if you have to.
MT will not host such content. You are free to publish it elsewhere under your own name, but don’t expect MT to bear the legal consequences for publishing unlawful material.
Interesting OPTL report. Thank you for the link.
You already referred to this report of unpublished remarks to be televised in about 10 days, and I already responded by pointing out a chilling similarity to the initial remarks of detectives investigating the Stephen Lawrence murder in April 1993. Are you suggesting that Doreen Lawrence was wrong to press the point that this was a racially motivated homicide, despite the initial denials of the investigators? Perhaps you are.
JusticeDemon, eihannu is an old visitor of Migrant Tales. His name is Hannu even though he wants to tell us that he’s not Hannu.
eihannu: justicedemon so its illegall to tell to akaaro who claims that finns kills somalis public information what can be found online and also public information about how police sees information about last killing.
Link page 17 and 18 Tutkinnanjohtaja kieltää rasistisen motiivin ja sanoo, että somaliyhteisö itse aiheuttaa rotuvihaa lietsoessaan perättömiä huhuja surmatyöstä.
So, they stopped investigating the killings of the Somali boy in Espoo, that shows me how racist Finlands lawinforcement has become, killings of Somalians is not worth of investigation in Finland, seems to me that Somalians life in Finland is not worth of anything, ok, but am affraid if this is the case then, people will always resort to selfdefence, and expect that, is that what the police want, that people will equip themselves with weapons incase these kind of attacks occures?
eihannu: Tutkinnanjohtaja kieltää rasistisen motiivin ja sanoo, että somaliyhteisö itse aiheuttaa rotuvihaa lietsoessaan perättömiä huhuja surmatyöstä.
ofcourse he denies that racism was the motive, you kno why, cause he doesnt want to believe it was a racist motive, think about it, he didn’t even investigated it but he is quick to jump in to conclusion that racism wasnt the motive, amazing. I and many many don’t trust the Finnish law inforcemnt. Even the police blames us for what happen to us is our fault, amazing. Finland has made it clear that they don’t have nothing to offer to us, not even friendly gesture anymore, Finland has made an enemy to us, we’re just unwanted invaders who’re not welcome here, the only reason why we force ourself to stay here is we don’t have any where else to go, but Finland has shown us great hostility, we came to Finland and seeked a refuge we didn’t plan to end up here, this wasnt scripted, but i guess our coming to Finland has been a great burden to Finns, that’s the reason they hate us to death.
On sinäsä hankalaa alkaa väitää espoossa tapahtuneen rikossen olleen rasistinen, jos poliisi kieltää. Tässä nyt on sana sanaa vastaan. Onko sillä nyt väliä oliko teko juridisesti rasistinen vai ei. Teko levitti pelkoa ja pelko juontuu menneistä rasistisista rikossista.
Poliisin tehtävä on nyt antaa rikolliselle kunnollinen tuomio ja näin osoittaa, että laki suojelee myös Somali yhteisöä. Toivokaamme että poliisi ei ala syyllistyä pahoinpitelyihin tai “vahinko laukaussiin” värillisiä kohtaan.
D4R is a living example of a person who seriously thinks in his twisted mind that EVERYTHING bad that happens to a dark skinned people is because of their dark skin. Showing that kind of lack of intelligence makes it clear that no sane person should have any kind of discussion with him.
Therefore I say: Bye Bye D4R, it was “nice” talking to you, but no more…
Wrong Farang. Why do you use an adjective such as “twisted” if he is giving you an honest opinion?
–Therefore I say: Bye Bye D4R, it was “nice” talking to you, but no more…
While some of us are responding to your comments we answer them back. Just because you can’t deal with what D4R is saying is very revealing about the whole anti-immigration movement in Finland. You just cannot deal with it.
D4R offers you an opportunity to enter into debate with a person who are just imaginary monsters on Hommaforum. Use the opportunity don’t squander it.
It’s not about being not able to deal with it. There is no point and it’s waste of time discussing with that kind of person, who only uses his imagination as a basis of his opinion, so far from reality.
There is no sensible outcome of any debate, it’s as sensible as talking to walls. So why waste time on that, when I can use my time to debate with more sensible persons?
–There is no sensible outcome of any debate, it’s as sensible as talking to walls.
I guess the feeling is mutual.
We can have the best laws in the world but what is important is how we interpret them. In our laws it clearly states that any form of discrimination is wrong and punishable by law. We have as well lots of studies that show that retaining one’s identity is important. The Finns did this when they moved to the Americas.
So the question at hand is what are we debating? Is reinforcing those perceptions that hinder people from following the law (social equality, respect, acceptance) or reinforcing old stereotypes?
I think that is what the whole issue boils down to.
Farang: D4R is a living example of a person who seriously thinks in his twisted mind that EVERYTHING bad that happens to a dark skinned people is because of their dark skin. Showing that kind of lack of intelligence makes it clear that no sane person should have any kind of discussion with him.
Therefore I say: Bye Bye D4R, it was “nice” talking to you, but no more…
You didn’t get it do you, im not saying that the motive was racism, im wondering why police stopped investigating the killing of the Somali boy? shouldn’t the police be investigating the crime incase it was a hatecrime, the reason why the police should investigate this particular crime is because it maybe be that it was a hatecrime, im saying so because of the atmosphere that’s taking place in Finland, the hateret Finns got to Somalians is so strong that these kind of incidents should be investicated otherwise every Nazi in this country starts to believe that it’s awkay to attack poor Somalians, you get my point now?
Hi Farang. This is the best message after Eleven Archer realized that we are too tought for simple minds like you.
Can you keep a promise Farang?
eyeopener, I can keep a promise. I’m not going to debate with D4R anymore.
If it makes you feel better you can fantasize about being so superior, that’s fine for me. But reality is that you have made up your mind before you even knew the facts and then you keep ignoring all facts which doesn’t support your agenda. That is lying to yourself, and that’s sad, because only person that suffers about it is you.
Yes Farang you got it right this time. I am superior to you. Good assessment.
You know you are the best liar. So you are the one to suffer most.
HommaZoo is the best place for you to be. There people are so low level that they might believe you. Peanuts!!
Must feel good to be in company with Eronen, Hirvisaari, Immonen and the other guys of the gang.
Because of your brilliant analyses PS will suffer a huge blow. Polls already go in that direction. Support those polls. Absolutely…………welcome to stupidity.
Monkey-business, Farang!!
Farang: It’s not about being not able to deal with it. There is no point and it’s waste of time discussing with that kind of person, who only uses his imagination as a basis of his opinion, so far from reality.
There is no sensible outcome of any debate, it’s as sensible as talking to walls. So why waste time on that, when I can use my time to debate with more sensible persons?
So to you debate is when it only makes sense to you, once it stops making sense to you, you stop engaging it. im sorry you didn’t get my point i was making or you didn’t find any sense in it, if it’s not your way it’s not making sense to you Farang.
If the woman assaulted was “older”, what does that mean to you, Enrique? About 60 to 70? The middle-aged men and one older, how old really were they? And the young men who then joined in? YOung is….?? how old? Are now ages of victims and perps also secret, just as their race is?
If a victim’s age is of consequence, as your title indicates, then surely more specific data should be included. I noticed that in Finland, anyone over 50 already thinks himself “old”, so “older’ must be even older than “old”?
Or is the import of your title thus: that anyone “older” (over 40?) must be on guard when he or she goes out?
Please straighten us foreigners out, we who read your blog from abroad. Thanks, Enrique! How old are you, anyway, are you “older”, too? Do you fear for your safety at your age?