By Enrique Tessieri
There are already clear signs that the Perussuomalaiset (PS) party has kicked off its vicious campaign and instigated social-media lynch mobs against immigrants and minorities as the October 28 municipal election nears. The Eronen-Hirvisaari scandal as well as publishing the names of two minors found guilty of rape are some recent examples of who the PS hopes to boost its depressing poll results.
Teuvo Hakkarainen even declared war on prison inmates Monday by stating on Iltalehti that Finnish prisons are resorts where people can rest and eat good food.
Some may think that Hakkarainen’s shenanigans may be innocent small-town red-neck fun but there is more than what meets the eyes. The near-constant statements aimed at victimizing certain immigrant groups and minorities are a concerted campaign.
By attacking minors found guilty of rape and claiming that convicted criminals are on holiday in prison, Hakkarainen aims to boost his standings among voters.
Another sore thumb that sticks out is PS MP James Hirvisaari, who made his political career on hate speech and far-right anti-immigration rhetoric. Finland has created its share of social-media political Frankensteins.
In his latest blog entry on Uusi Suomi, Hirvisaari attacks immigrants in Finland by stating that this country was made for Finns. Finland has no obligation to give social welfare to immigrants and especially refugees.
“Finland is no Red Cross. Finland is for the Finns,” he writes.
When you read blog entries and statements made by some PS MPs, don’t forget that very few things are left to chance in politics. The real motive behind ongoing efforts to victimize immigrants and minorities in Finland is nothing more than a vicious campaign boost the PS’ sagging popularity.
his latest blog entry on Uusi Suomi, Hirvisaari attacks immigrants in Finland by stating that this country was made for Finns. Finland has no obligation to give social welfare to immigrants and especially refugees.
“Finland is no Red Cross. Finland is for the Finns,” he writes.
Hay Hirvisaari, and ur supporters, u r also foreigners in Finland like me
U r not the creator of this country, u r all human beings like me
Ur social welfare and immigration police was pain hurt pain for me,
U r happy now???
As a Finn I am ashamed of this.
Refugees arrive here form places like Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Myanmar. Research has shown that Finland was not the country these people wished to be relocated to.
They would much rather have been sent to Canada or the USA. At least in those societies you have a chance of building yourself up from nothing. Finnish society is designed in a totally different way and doesn’t offer adult refugees many options
At the same time these people claim to be Christians or to be defending Judeo-Christian culture. I wonder what Jesus would say about helping refugees since he was one himself.
Hi BlandaUpp.
Christians as they called themselves here havenot been silent in their congregations. The really worse thing is that the official Churches have been silent all the time and that the Christian Demiocrate Party have launched such absurd proposals about family reunion. As much as individual politicians of several parties have put forward “crazy ideas about foreigners” Xenophobia is not reserved for the far-right side of politics.
We have said already many times that where ever you live many people wear black shirts under their white ones. It’s a mind-set of ill-placed superiority. Unfortunate but a simple fact.
One of my professional competences is to teach cultural intelligence. Interesting topic.
It is not factually correct to say that the rapists, whose names were published, are minors. One is a 18-year-old and the other is 17 (both born in 1994). I do not think young adult rapists should be protected more than than middle-aged. They should face the consequences and it is good that sex offenders are known by the community for the safety of our children.
Atleast Hakkarainen was very right that the probation sentence means nothing in Finland. It’s the same as if you were released without any punishment.
Hi Namen again.
The person with the wrong information on the “edelweiss”. Let’s see.
What are the correct dates of birth, Namen??
Aha. You want to change the law?? Well before that you have to live with the current ones, don’t you Namen?? Are you going to support the same for Finnish rapists?
Hakarainen should oppose in Parliament. His behavior is a disgrace. You know that but you still like it. Tells enough about your mentality.
Simple that is:
Hakkarainen and the PS are hypocrites of the highest order.
Convicted violent rapist Matti Putkonen was the PS campaign manager during the last elections. Putkonen served 8 months in prison and had to pay his victim €10,000 in damages.
The PS don’t really care about rape victims, they opportunistically use rape as a political weapon when it suits them.
“As a Finn I am ashamed of this.”
I’m actually quite proud of it. Finally we are growing some balls. We have been slaves for too long.
Many people are so willing to just take, take, take giving nothing in return, not even gratitude. We are just learning to say no. It’s healthy normal selfishness.
“u r also foreigners in Finland like me”
That doesn’t make any sense. The Finns built this country with sweat, blood and tears. So who do you think you are to tell us we are foreigners in our own country? If that’s your attitude don’t go bitching about then if the Finns won’t like you.
“U r not the creator of this country, u r all human beings like me”
Some human beings have build this country and some have not participated in it. You sound like a communist. There’s a lot of land in this world. It is not our fault that some nations haven’t had a shared common will, the unity to build it to a flourishing society. We suffered a terrible war against the communist Soviet Union. They killed my grandfathers. They took our family home and land. We even paid enormous war compensation for the wars we didn’t started. But still we got up and built this nation to a modern advanced society in under 50 years.
It’s no lottery. It’s not that these things just get handed to some nations. It’s hard work. We should not pay for the nations which are unwilling to do it. You reap what you sow.
“Ainoastaan sellainen maahanmuutto on siedettävää, jossa ihminen osallistuu omalla työpanoksellaan asuinmaansa sosiaaliturvan rakentamiseen, omasta työstään perityillä verotuloilla ja uuden asuinmaansa kaikkia lakeja noudattaen.”,
sanoi Hirvisaari. Mitä vikaa tuossa on? Käsi ylös hän, joka ei ole valmis työskentelemään yhteisen hyvän eteen ja siten saamaan oikeuden myös nauttia siitä itse, kun apua tarvitsee.
“En sano, että ei pitäisi auttaa. Pitää ja saa auttaa, mutta keinoja pitää voida tarkastella kriittisesti. Vuosisatainen työ huonoilla hedelmillään osoittaa yksiselitteisesti, että valitut keinot ovat vääriä.”
Hirvisaari ei sano, että ei pitäisi auttaa. Hän sanoo, että nykyiset keinot ovat huonoja ja tehottomia, kuten ne ovat. Afrikka on samassa jamassa kuin 50 vuotta sitten kaikesta sinne kaadetusta rahasta huolimatta. Itse asiassa pahemmassa, koska väestön määrä ja kasvu on räjähtänyt käsiin. Sen lopullisia traagisia seurauksia emme ole vielä nähneet.
“Humanitaarinen maahanmuutto ei sekään ole lähtömaassa ratkaissut yhtään ongelmaa, mutta on niitä aika lailla synnyttänyt kaikissa kohdemaissa.”
Tämäkin on totta. Ei humanitäärinen maahanmuutto ratkaise mitään laajempaa ongelmaa, ei edes keskikokoista. Se on ainoastaan kallis ja tehoton tapa näperrellä omantuntonsa tyynnyttämiseksi.
““Finland is no Red Cross. Finland is for the Finns,” he writes.”
This is a bad and wrong translation.
“Suomi ei ole Punainen Risti. Suomi on suomalaisten maa.”
You got the first part right. The latter does not say that Finland is for the Finns. You are trying to present it as an exclusive statement, I wonder why considering the general spirit of this blog…
Actually it says: Finland is the country of the Finns. Finland is The Finns’ country.
“What are the correct dates of birth, Namen??”
Can’t you use a Google? It’s right there for everybody to see. I have two choices in this. 1) Tell you the dates. I have them, the other is born in February and the other in November, 1994. I won’t give you the exact dates to protect their privacy… isn’t that what you wanted, to protect the privacy of these two convicted of rape and who won’t spend even a day in prison? The problem here is that you will refuse to believe me like you always do when you can’t handle the arguments. You cover your eyes and ears and just go: “BLAABLAABLAA!”, like we have seen before. 2) I tell you to google it for yourself. But obviously you will refuse to do that too.
So basically there’s no way to make you admit the information. But everybody else can easily get that from Google.
Namen: It is not factually correct to say that the rapists, whose names were published, are minors. One is a 18-year-old and the other is 17 (both born in 1994). I do not think young adult rapists should be protected more than than middle-aged. They should face the consequences and it is good that sex offenders are known by the community for the safety of our children.
Atleast Hakkarainen was very right that the probation sentence means nothing in Finland. It’s the same as if you were released without any punishment.
But the question is, is Hakkarainen going to publish Finn rapist names too and leak to the internet? if not then he is exposing himself to be someone who is dishonest and targets only vicible immigrants.
Elven archer: I’m actually quite proud of it. Finally we are growing some balls. We have been slaves for too long.
So you grow balls when you attack people who’re in weaker position? you feel big of yourself do you?
The utter hypocrisy of the PS to go on national tv to complain about criticism of their party while their spokesperson doing the complaining is a convicted violent rapist is beyond words!
Hi Elf
“Finally we are growing some balls”
You didn’t have any?? I was already wondering about this language of yours. No balls.
“we are foreigners in our own country”
Finland as Finland exists only 100 years.Wrong historical knowledge therefore. Have a look at the Netherlands. Fought a 100 years war against Spain and gained its independence long before the Finns did. You are crying about the Winter Wars. You can be proud of that. However, Finland participation in WWII was voluntary. At least collaborative. In occupied Europe a name for this attitude has been developed. Wonder what it is and where it comes from. People who collaborated with the Germans are called Quislings. His home country -surprise, surprise- is Norway. Rings a bell?? I am sorry for your family but that’s a part of the choice Finland’s government had made then. They thought they would win. They lost as much as you did.
I feel sorry for those Finns who had the guts to stand up and fought the Germans in the resistance. I have no mercy for collaborators. You come and have a look at the losses of my family.
All European peoples have suffered from the resistance against your friends, the Germans.
“You reap what you sow”
Take that sentence into your mind and reflect on it deeply. People like you who deny their past have to relive it again.
“Finland as Finland exists only 100 years.”
So? It exists. And the Finns have lived here for a very very long time. We really are native population in here except for the Lapland.
“However, Finland participation in WWII was voluntary. At least collaborative. ”
No, it wasn’t. The Soviet Union attacked us and so called “the middle truce” was not really a truce. The Soviet Union occupied the Baltic countries in 1940. There was a constant fear that the Soviet Union will attack again and maybe some people even thought it was a good time to correct the wrongness they did to us just a short time before that. Finland never fought for the Nazis, Finland only fought for itself, it’s existence. The Germany was also fighting the Russians, so we accepted their help in the Finnish front.
“All European peoples have suffered from the resistance against your friends, the Germans.”
Our friends? They burned Lapland when we fought them off.
But the details of the war are not important in this context. All I’m saying, it wasn’t an easy ride. Nothing got just handed to us. It took a lots of hard work. Some nations have the will to develop themselves into a modern society, some don’t. It takes unity, the want to contribute to the common cause.
Us? You are NOT one of us.
“Us? You are NOT one of us.”
It becomes more clear day by day. But it was your choice, not mine, please remember that.
You just don’t get it, do you?
In this case it’s your own actions that make the distinction. An average antero is disgusted by the filth people like you pour constantly all over the internet. We’ve had it with you.
So don’t act like you represent US when you’re against the finnish core values as a democratic society with your discriminate views. Fair enough?
–So don’t act like you represent US when you’re against the finnish core values as a democratic society with your discriminate views. Fair enough?
Who are you speaking of?
Hi Much Truer Finn. Welcome here.
Interesting to hear what you -as a TRUER FINN- have to say about this discussion. I am aware of the critical issue of Finland’s position in WW II. We as foreigners look at the historical period differently as the Finns might do.
I am very much willing to discuss this issue. Because it seems to affect the rationality to discuss “foreigners” in Finland.
James Hirvisaari told his sister’s husband is a Muslim and a very nice man. He was in Enbuske Show.
Toni the watchdoggie. Hirvisaari has one suster’s husband who is Muslim. Whaaaaaaaah.
As if that makes his hate-speech any more reasonable. Toni. Eat some peanuts for Eronen. Monkey business, brainless argument.
I am sorry for the sister’s husband to have a brother-in-law like Hirvisaari. My gosh, such a wierdo!!
Ok. I will leave. I don’t need this kind of insults… this site is not helping foreigners.
You are fast to understand!! Brilliant.
Toni is right. It’s already proven that the discussion here doesn’t go anywhere. We can never change your minds and you can never change our minds. Still we all waste time going through the same things all over again 🙂 We must be stupid 🙂
Hi Farang.
You never has a chance. And I know and I am not even spending one second on changing yours. You have wasted my time and yours.
Better to stay in your HommaZoo.
Have u been here for change our minds??
ur dream not come true
he eh he