The Perussuomalaiset* joins the newly formed Identity and Democracy (ID) group in the EU led by far-right politicians like Matteo Salvini, and Marine Le Pen. This is one of many examples of the PS’ far-right colors.
One of Finland’s most significant acts of denial is not fully acknowledging that the Perussuomalaiset (PS) is a far-right party that is openly hostile to migrants, minorities, and to our Nordic institutions. The mainstream European media calls the PS correctly a far-right party as do NGOs like HOPE not hate.
At Migrant Tales, we could not agree more with other European newspapers like the Financial Times of London, The Guardian, Politico, Spiegel Online, EUObserver, The Local SE, Madrid’s El País and others that see the PS as a far-right party.

One of the big political pitches that parties like the PS make directly or indirectly the the hateful language of white supremacy. The most recent case implicating its youth organization is a case in point. In a tweet by the PS Youth group, showed a picture of a black couple smiling contenedly at their newborn child: “Vote for the Perussuomalaiset so that Finland won’t look like this.”
While it is a good matter that there was a reaction to such a racist message made possibl
One of the oldest tricks used by parties like the PS do to communicate with their voters is making outrageous claims usually racist and in code. Parties like the National Coalition Party use the same trick as we saw with Piia
This is how it works: A politician makes an outrageous claim to a journalist, who doesn’t bother to question its veracity. Eventually, the journalist may do some investigating and find out that he or she was fed a generous spoonful of malarkey. By then it’s too late because the story is already out there.
There are many reasons why the national media does not label a party like the PS as far right. Finland has good journalists like internationally acclaimed Jessikka Aro, who exposed pro-Russian Internet trolls, Tuomas Muraja, Kati Pietarinen, and others.
In the face of such good journalists, their valuable work ends up in the dustbin thanks to a lot of poor and toothless journalism. It’s a bit like writing a lot of blockbuster articles, but the last one you did does not make the grade. Your good articles will be forgotten because you are as good as your last story.
What are some reasons why the Finnish media does not call out parties like the PS:
- The media is too white to notice the difference when it comes to racism;
- The media tends to speak in code;
- Finnish consensus and naive expectations that the far right isn’t a threat and will eventually become “normal;”
- In the latter case, racists and anti-racists will join hands and love each other;
- Journalists also house closet white supremacist views as far-right parties;
- Lack of leadership and vision;
- Opportunism.
* The Perussuomalaiset (PS) party imploded on June 13, 2017, into two factions, the PS and New Alternative, which is now called Blue Reform. In the last parliamentary election, Blue Reform has wiped off the Finnish political map when their numbers in parliament plummet from 18 MPs to none. A direct translation of Perussuomalaiset in English would be something like “basic” or “fundamental Finn.” Official translations of the Finnish name of the party, such as Finns Party or True Finns, promote in our opinion nativist nationalism and racism. We, therefore, at Migrant Tales prefer to use in our postings the Finnish name of the party once and after that the acronym PS.