The Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party decided today to found a new youth association after the previous one, PS Youth, was replaced by a new one called Perussuomalainen nuoriso, or unofficially Young Perusssuomalaiset, reports Helsingin Sanomat.
Last week, the former PS Youth turned down a motion from the parent party to change the bylaws and force its members also to be members of the party.
Six days before the vote on Saturday, former PS Youth second vice president Toni Jalonen admitted he is “an ethnonationalist, traditionalist, and fascist.”
Even if the PS party leadership likes to speak in code to convey to its voters that they support ethnonationalism and fascism, Jalonen’s candid statement was too much for the party.
Surprise, surprise, the new vice president of the youth association is Asseri Kinnun, the former chairperson of PS Youth.
The new youth association of the PS is a farce. The only thing that changed is the control that the parent party has over the association.