Suomalainen nainen, lähes jokainen ihan tavallinen nainen, joutuu joskus elämässään seksuaalisen häirinnän tai ahdistelun kohteeksi. Näin voinen päätellä siksikin, että minunkin kohdalleni ahdistelua on sattunut jo useamman kerran 57-vuotisen elämäni aikana, vaikka en ole koskaan ollut erityisen hyvännäköinen, seksikäs tai pyrkinyt tekemään lähempää tuttavuutta vieraiden miesten kanssa. Työpaikan juhlissa työkaverit ja jopa esimiehet ovat käyneet…
Tag: finnish police
Hate crimes in 2013 are up by 13.9% in Finland but who cares?
Suspected hate crimes in 2013 rose by 13.9% to 833 cases compared with 732 in the previous year, according to the Police College of Finland. While one suspected hate crime is too many, how should we interpret these figures? What do they reflect? Do they reveal that there are high or low hate crime levels…
Ask Finland’s Romany minority about ethnic profiling by the police
Two talk shows today, one on television and another one on radio, on ethnic profiling follows a report published Tuesday by the European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI). Contrary to concerns by the ECRI, the police flatly deny in both shows that ethnic profiling takes place even if a policeman at the Helsinki Railway admitted that…
Finland’s police service: see no, hear no, speak no hate crimes
Migrant Tales reported since the end of January some gruesome violent crimes against Muslims in Finland with the most recent one happening Wednesday. Two of these led directly to the violent death of a Somali and Moroccan native, both Finnish citizens. None of these were hate crimes, according to the police.
Update: Older woman assaulted at Myllypuro metro station in Helsinki
Thanks to a tip off, Migrant Tales correctly reported that the older woman that was attacked and beaten Wednesday at Helsinki’s Myllypuro metro station was allegedly by a group of white Finns. The older woman suffered injuries to the face and was taken to hospital by ambulance.
Harassment of Migrant Tales
Migrant Tales and I have been harassed by an individual since March 3, who has been demanding compensation for “defaming” him, an anonymous person. Yes, you heard it: defaming an anonymous person.