While we hope that the perpetrators of Jimi Joonas Karttunen’s death will be speedily brought to justice, there is one worrisome question we should ask in light of what took place: What kind of a country have we turned into?
The answer to that questions has, I believe, its roots in colorblind racism, which acts as if skin color does not matter even when it does.
In the context of what happened to Karttunen, I call it neutralizing a social ill or problem. A good example of neutralization is when people justify racism, or find an excuse to do nothing about it, because it occurs in other countries.
Not only do the police neutralize ever-growing social ills like racism and far-right violence by justifying that “there is also left-wing violence,” it is an effective way to not challenge the racism and extremist ideology found among their ranks.
Why does the police have only one, yes one, black police officer?
Why does a survey of the police service in Finland reveal that about 50% of those surveyed voted for the National Coalition Party and anti-immigration Perussuomalaiset* party? What does the survey tell you about police attitudes of cultural diversity if close to 80% of the police who were surveyed see asylum seekers as the greatest threat to Finland?
How come a former police chief, Mikko Paatero, fear-mongers with the publishing of a new book called “Faltering internal security?”
Finland’s parliament and the government do a lot of neutralizing as well in order not to challenge too strongly the racism, bigotry, and social inequality they promote directly or indirectly but doesn’t affect them firsthand.
How come far-right anti-immigration sentiment, racism, and bigotry have not retreated even if one of the aims of the government’s program is to challenge racism? Is it because groups like SVL are white and at the end of the day “are one of us because they also defend our privilege?”
The hostility of this government against our ever-growing culturally diverse community is clearly evident in the recent laws they have passed tightening, for example, family reunification requirements.
Let’s hope that Karttunen’s death will not suffer the same fate when Labor MP Jo Cox’s death caused initial outrage before the Brexit referendum but was later forgotten.
Migrants, minorities, and white Finns must all rise up and challenge the menace that Finland faces and which is right under our noses.
* The Finnish name for the Finns Party is the Perussuomalaiset (PS). The English names of the party adopted by the PS, like True Finns or Finns Party, promote in our opinion nativist nationalism and xenophobia. We, therefore, prefer to use the Finnish name of the party on our postings. The direct translation of “Perussuomalaiset” is “basic” or “fundamental Finn.”
There is some sort of hysteria among some white Finns that Finland is going to turn to muslim country or foreigners are going to take over Finland, wich is false. Majority of Finland is still white and will remain as white. The foreigners living in Finland is still small population so, there is no need this hysteria thats taking place. The sensible white Finns and the minorities really need to challenge racism and pregudices in Finland. The foreigners living in Finland should feel themselves to be part of Finnish society in order for them to take part of the society, work, paying taxes etc etc…..
D4R, Muslims are at the moment minority, but with this kind of constant mass movement by Muslims to this country, it is mathematically inevitable that this country will be Muslim majority in relatively short time period.
Even with no immigration to this country, this country will become Muslim majority, if Muslims keep having more children than the rest of the population. But with mass immigration by Muslims, this process will happen much more quickly and even if the birth rates are the same.
Enrique, you are yet again, jumping to conclusions, as you have done many times before and caused unnecessarily more tensions by making false assumptions and exaggerating. For example, in this case it it has not even been proven that this person has died because of violence by SVL as police has emphasized. And even if that person died because of violence, it won’t be a murder (tappo or murha), because the death seems to be unintentional (the dead person had spit on somebody, who then pushed him away and the person who had spit then fell down and managed to hit the head on ground, was released from hospital and suddenly died about week later). In worst case it would probably be hätävarjelun liioittelu (exaggeration of self defense) and kuolemantuottamus (a kind of accidental manslaughter). Usually you won’t get mandatory prison sentence for this kind of crimes, if you don’t have previous criminal history.
I am really upset that you are trying to make some kind of scandal about this case, which by all accounts was not intentional homicide, but remain silent about several horrible and intentional murders by immigrants. For example, just few days ago migrants robbed two Finnish men and then strangled one of them to death. And there has been a case of rape and then burning the girl alive, a case of killing two Finnish men by hitting them with axe and several other quite horrible cases.
Enrique, you are yet again, jumping to conclusions, as you have done many times before and caused unnecessarily more tensions by making false assumptions and exaggerating. For example, in this case it it has not even been proven that this person has di ed because of violence by SVL as police has emphasized. And even if that person died because of violence, it won’t be a mur der (tappo or murha), because the death seems to be unintentional (the dead person had spit on somebody, who then pushed him away and the person who had spit then fell down and managed to hit the head on ground, was released from hospital and suddenly di ed about week later). In worst case it would probably be hätävarjelun liioittelu (exaggeration of self defense) and kuolemantuottamus (a kind of accidental man slaugh ter). Usually you won’t get mandatory pri son sentence for this kind of cri mes, if you don’t have previous cri minal history.
I am really upset that you are trying to make some kind of scandal about this case, which by all accounts was not intentional homi cide, but remain silent about several hor rible and intentional mur ders by immigrants. For example, just few days ago migrants rob bed two Finnish men and then strang led one of them to death. And there has been a case of ra pe and then burning the girl ali ve, a case of killing two Finnish men by hitting them with axe and several other quite hor rible cases.