Comment: Here is an interesting story on Kuopio-daily Savon Sanomat which published a poll Saturday about what people thought about Perussuomalaiset (PS) party’s MP Jussi Halla-aho’s suggestion that Greece should have a military junta to quell protests in that country.
According to the result of the poll by Taloustutkimus, the vast majority considered Halla-aho’s comments on Greece as inappropriate as well as 71% of PS members. Twelve percent considered the two-week suspension from the party as too harsh.
Halla-aho and his PS cronies are becoming a big headache for the party’s leader, Timo Soini. A poll by television station Nelonen revealed that if Halla-aho splintered from the PS his party would be as popular as the Swedish People’s Party with 4%.
Halla-aho and Soini have denied that there are two factions in the party and that they are close to splintering.
Jari Tourunen
Savon SanomienTaloustutkimuksella teettämän kyselyn mukaan ylivoimainen enemmistö suomalaisista ei hyväksy perussuomalaistenJussi Halla-ahon Kreikka-puheita. Täystyrmäys tuli sukupuoleen, ikään, varallisuuteen tai puoluekantaan katsomatta.